
Galia Brener's Column

Cirque du Soleil – Amaluna premiere in Frankfurt

Beautiful flashing colors, talented artists, a myterious atmosphere, celebrities, champagne, feather skirts, press, exotic food, passionate music and glamour! Welcome to the Cirque du Soleil premiere of Amaluna in Frankfurt!
I have to start by saying that I am so proud to be Canadian! As I walked closer to the enormous tent and saw the beautifully familiar Cirque du Soleil logo, my heart swelled with pride and joy! I have already seen quite a few different Cirque du Soleil shows, therefore I was very curious what Amaluna will be like, compared to the others.

It was a very warm day in Frankfurt. The evening sun was still out, throwing dancing shadows onto the large parking lot. We walked towards the entrance and I couldn't help but notice people stare at me. There was a reason for that. I was clad from head to toe in my favorite Frankfurt designer's wild collection. His name is Albrecht Ollendiek, and he's a genius. I was wearing a mini skirt made out of feathers. This was supposed to bring me in touch with my Amazonian female self, and it did. The look was about sensuality, nature and power. It was a perfect fit for the circus atmosphere! My skirt was accompanied by a bag made out of feathers and my favorite cork high heels. I was very excited to walk around in my risqué Ollendiek concoction.

A lovely young lady gave us our VIP passes, and we walked inside the tent’s foyer. I was greeted by Jörg Ortmann of the Bild newspaper, always friendly with a warm smile on his face. Of course in the interview, I had to mention my proud Canadian heritage. Jörg asked what my favorite Cirque du Soleil show has been so far, and I said the O Show in Vegas, which played around the water element and theme. There were a few celebs in the tent as well. Just as I was finishing up my interview, Verona Pooth walked beside us and seemed to be in a hurry to get inside. A few more photos were made in front of the press wall and it was time to go inside the large tent. On our way in, we were given a cold glass of champagne with duck, oysters and other exotic delicacies. Suddenly a sexy female voice was heard on all the speakers, urging us to take our seats because the show was about to begin. There was a loud excited buzz of people talking and laughing in the tent.

Suddenly the lights went out, and a drum started beating, matching the rhythm of my heart. The sound was so thrilling and hypnotizing at the same time! The lights burst into the tent and the artist came out. What can I say... the next 2 hours were one of the most exciting for me this year. Amaluna was about a fantasy world. A world where all problems were left behind, replaced with magic, energy and enchantment! Each of the artists and shows were so different from one another that I cannot even say which one was better. Every single element of the show was so unique and special, that it contributed to the magical awe feeling of the evening. As you can imagine when thinking of Cirque du Soleil, it was all of the magic you can expect along with many more mysterious surprises! I don't want to describe any details and ruin the fantastic experience for you, but what I can definitely say is that Amaluna is a must see! It will be in Frankfurt until June12th, and I would suggest ordering tickets as soon as possible. I was blown away by the sheer beauty, love and energy of the show

Loosely inspired by William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Amaluna takes circus to the next dimension. Even the feathers on my skirt were shivering with excitement. The story revolves around Goddesses, men, love, passion and desire. The talented Diane Paulus, created and directed the piece to perfection.

After the show, so many people were hanging around backstage and the VIP area, because nobody wanted to leave. Everyone was excited to meet the artists and pay them their respect. More champagne and gin tonics were flowing, accompanied by colorful macaroons and the creamiest coffee I have ever tasted. It was exciting to feel the circus atmosphere around us. Cameras were flashing and the music vibrated throughout the entire tent. The press was running around, capturing the excitement of the premiere.

Eventually I felt my feet complaining about the 13 cm heels and decided to slowly make my way back home to my little sanctuary in the city center. The tall and proud skyscrapers greeted me warmly. Another glamorous event in my favorite little city with a big attitude. Thank you Frankfurt for being so good to me. Thank you Canada for bringing your magic to me, even though I'm so far away from you. Thank you Cirque du Soleil for bringing the fantasy into my life on that warm and magical evening.
13. Mai 2016, 11.51 Uhr
Galia Brener
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Text: Leonie Schäfer / Foto: AdobeStock/mikhailberkut
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