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Galia Brener's Column
How to “be” on the 1st date
First-Date-Stress! We all know it and hate it. There are a few points that can make it easier for you and definitely some things to avoid! Curious how to make the best impression? Then read here!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: David Helmrich
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Doug wer?
Unsere Kolumnistin war ohne jegliche Vorbereitung in der Schirn Kunsthalle zur Ausstellungseröffnung von Doug Aitken. Was sie vorfand, war nicht nur famose Gegenwartskunst, sondern auch Architektur in Reinform.
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Von Prada, Mäckler-Watch und einem windigen Hüftschwung-Hochhaus
Unsere Kolumnistin hat die Fondazione Prada in Mailand besucht. Sie zieht daraus so ihre Schlüsse, etwa auf den auch in Frankfurt tätigen Konzern TishmanSpeyer und überhaupt: die Freiheit!
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Jealousy kills relationships!
Is jealousy a sickness? Or can you work on yourself to get rid of it? There are many reasons why you can get jealous, and sometimes it's not even your fault! Find out here how to deal with it.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: David Helmrich
Galia Brener's column
Where is your true love?
Where is s/he already? Many are asking themselves the same question. You are not the only one still looking for your true love, so don't worry! Read here about why, how and when.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Galia Brener
Kolumne von ptrk9000
Astra macht belastbar!
Wer eine Reise tut, der kann was erzählen. Unser Nightlife-Kolumnist ptrk9000 hat sich ein paar seiner Nächte in Hamburg um die Ohren geschlagen – um rechtzeitig zum Schweizer Straßenfest wieder hier zu sein.
Text: ptrk9000 / Foto: ptrk9000
Galia Brener's column
Ladies, it’s time to start dating like men do!
Ladies, start dating like men do! Go out there, meet them, and date as "many" as you want! You deserve the best, so take your time and make a good choice for your future. Variety will help you learn what you need and who is best for you. Enjoy!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Lili Tesler

Galia Brener's column
Ladies, it’s time to start dating like men do!
Ladies, start dating like men do! Go out there, meet them, and date as "many" as you want! You deserve the best, so take your time and make a good choice for your future. Variety will help you learn what you need and who is best for you. Enjoy!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Lili Tesler
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Sex, Pferde und Paragraphen
Unsere Kolumnistin Ana Marija Milkovic hat sich diese Woche nicht nur Gedanken über das Sexleben von Angela Merkel gemacht. Sie bezieht auch Stellung zum Bürgerentscheid am Sonntag.
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Don’t date married people!
Dating married people will only cause pain to you and their partner. Don't take it upon yourself to destroy a family or someone else's life, because Karma will be there to bite the guilty one. Be smart and choose to lead an honest, honorable and happy life.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: privat
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Wenn Schwänze mit Hunden wackeln
Unsere Kolumnistin versucht herauszufinden, warum eine 23-jährige Frau den Feminismus als Sache von Unterprivilegierten geißelt. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass die Männer-Welt die Mademoiselle flugs zur Redakteurin befördert hat.
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder

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