VLOG Galia Brener
Yes, No, Maybe?
Sexy Sex
Sensual passionate sex is not just good for your body, but also for your mind and soul. Lovemaking makes you beautiful and increases your self-confidence. Go ahead, have some sexy sex, you deserve it!
It’s a cold winter, and the mind automatically wanders off to long nights of hot passionate lovemaking. You close your eyes and fantasize about a room with a big fireplace in the middle, surrounded by warm sheepskin rugs, and hypnotic ambient music. You and your partner spend hours telling each other intimate secrets, kissing, playing with his thick dark hair, while he is holding you around the waist, you are arching your back, revealing your breasts to him, wrapping your legs around his hard body, and longing for his lips to caress you in the most intimate spots.
Sex is passion. Sex makes the heart beat faster. Lovemaking awakens your body and makes you feel sensations that you never knew existed. If you tie a silk scarf over your eyes and let your partner touch your skin slowly, you will be surprised at how your senses will awaken. A slow sensual touch with the fingers or lips on the lower back, neck, inside of the upper arm, behind the knees and wrists can take you on a wild rollercoaster ride! Taking the time to discover his/her body, and finding each other’s erogenous zones can be a wonderful way to increase your intimacy. You can interchange between slower sensual, and faster wild rhythmic sex. Each time, discovering new and exciting ways of lovemaking.
Sex works magic for the body, mind and soul. Not only do you have a chance to experience the mind blowing, shivering intense feeling of a climax, you also increase your wellbeing and beauty! While having hot passionate sex, the female body produces double the estrogen levels, which makes the skin smoother and hair shinier! The body lets go of stress after a hard day of work, and the relaxations starts. Talk about “sex-with-benefits!” Sex also releases endorphins, which make your body and mind feel the blissful effects of euphoria. You feel like the queen that you are! Lifting weights at the gym is so boring, therefore lovemaking is a fabulous way to stay fit. Burn 200 or more calories each time… depending on how experimental and wild you both are.
Sex is a wonderful way to increase the intimacy with your partner. Reaching orgasms together increases the levels of the hormone oxytocin, which is the “love hormone” that helps people bond and build trust. Keep in mind that men bond physically, while women bond emotionally. Therefore ladies, keep your relationship healthy and strong, by making time for hot lovemaking with your man. When the men are happy physically, they will make you happy emotionally! Don’t forget to put on that heart-racing new babydoll you ordered from Victoria Secret, and a spray of your favorite seductive perfume, on all the right places.
A colleague of mine, let’s call her Ambrosia, was telling me about her wild love and “sexcapades” with a well-known German restauranteur. They met at the Käfer’s tent at the Oktoberfest in Munich. He was younger than her, and had a body like Hercules. When they locked eyes for the first time, it felt like the roof was on fire. He ordered Champagne, but all she wanted was a cold beer, preferably in a large hard Masskrug. After a few rendezvous with Hercules, Ambrosia could not stand the wild pulsation between her lovely legs anymore. She wanted him immediately! She took him to her cozy altbau flat in Frankfurt, and threw him onto her bed. She ripped his shirt open, kissed his strong chest, while running her fingernails down his muscular back. She felt him getting harder with each touch. Hercules tilted her head back, and kissed her long soft neck, with the strength of his full lips. He stroked her perky breasts, while undressing her. This drove Ambrosia wild, so she sat on him, and showed Hercules what lovemaking really was. He was fascinated by her seduction and brave moves on him. They had breathtaking sex all over the flat, restaurants and other mysterious places, including his childhood bedroom. He was simply enchanted by her loveliness, intelligence, warm and open heart, creativity and passion. Her favorite thing to do was caress his “Masskrug” during the night while he was sleeping. This made him wake up to her sensual touch, and they would make love in the mesmerizing dark hours. Ambrosia and Hercules’s passion for each other could be felt whenever they walked into any room, anywhere and anytime. When they were together, people would stare at them with open mouths. Their love, energy, temper, loyalty, passion and adoration for each other were irreplaceable.
Sex and passion make you feel sexy. In order to enjoy, you need to relax, let go of your thoughts, worries, stress, and lose yourself in the act of seduction and lovemaking. Do not worry what you look like or what face you make while having a mind-blowing orgasm! Enjoy the ride and free your mind and body. Lovemaking is therapeutic, and often brings two hearts closer together. Great sex also helps to increase one’s self-esteem. If the sex is loving, and you feel connected to your partner, this will make you feel like the beauty that you truly are. Go ahead and have some sexy sex. You deserve it!
Sex is passion. Sex makes the heart beat faster. Lovemaking awakens your body and makes you feel sensations that you never knew existed. If you tie a silk scarf over your eyes and let your partner touch your skin slowly, you will be surprised at how your senses will awaken. A slow sensual touch with the fingers or lips on the lower back, neck, inside of the upper arm, behind the knees and wrists can take you on a wild rollercoaster ride! Taking the time to discover his/her body, and finding each other’s erogenous zones can be a wonderful way to increase your intimacy. You can interchange between slower sensual, and faster wild rhythmic sex. Each time, discovering new and exciting ways of lovemaking.
Sex works magic for the body, mind and soul. Not only do you have a chance to experience the mind blowing, shivering intense feeling of a climax, you also increase your wellbeing and beauty! While having hot passionate sex, the female body produces double the estrogen levels, which makes the skin smoother and hair shinier! The body lets go of stress after a hard day of work, and the relaxations starts. Talk about “sex-with-benefits!” Sex also releases endorphins, which make your body and mind feel the blissful effects of euphoria. You feel like the queen that you are! Lifting weights at the gym is so boring, therefore lovemaking is a fabulous way to stay fit. Burn 200 or more calories each time… depending on how experimental and wild you both are.
Sex is a wonderful way to increase the intimacy with your partner. Reaching orgasms together increases the levels of the hormone oxytocin, which is the “love hormone” that helps people bond and build trust. Keep in mind that men bond physically, while women bond emotionally. Therefore ladies, keep your relationship healthy and strong, by making time for hot lovemaking with your man. When the men are happy physically, they will make you happy emotionally! Don’t forget to put on that heart-racing new babydoll you ordered from Victoria Secret, and a spray of your favorite seductive perfume, on all the right places.
A colleague of mine, let’s call her Ambrosia, was telling me about her wild love and “sexcapades” with a well-known German restauranteur. They met at the Käfer’s tent at the Oktoberfest in Munich. He was younger than her, and had a body like Hercules. When they locked eyes for the first time, it felt like the roof was on fire. He ordered Champagne, but all she wanted was a cold beer, preferably in a large hard Masskrug. After a few rendezvous with Hercules, Ambrosia could not stand the wild pulsation between her lovely legs anymore. She wanted him immediately! She took him to her cozy altbau flat in Frankfurt, and threw him onto her bed. She ripped his shirt open, kissed his strong chest, while running her fingernails down his muscular back. She felt him getting harder with each touch. Hercules tilted her head back, and kissed her long soft neck, with the strength of his full lips. He stroked her perky breasts, while undressing her. This drove Ambrosia wild, so she sat on him, and showed Hercules what lovemaking really was. He was fascinated by her seduction and brave moves on him. They had breathtaking sex all over the flat, restaurants and other mysterious places, including his childhood bedroom. He was simply enchanted by her loveliness, intelligence, warm and open heart, creativity and passion. Her favorite thing to do was caress his “Masskrug” during the night while he was sleeping. This made him wake up to her sensual touch, and they would make love in the mesmerizing dark hours. Ambrosia and Hercules’s passion for each other could be felt whenever they walked into any room, anywhere and anytime. When they were together, people would stare at them with open mouths. Their love, energy, temper, loyalty, passion and adoration for each other were irreplaceable.
Sex and passion make you feel sexy. In order to enjoy, you need to relax, let go of your thoughts, worries, stress, and lose yourself in the act of seduction and lovemaking. Do not worry what you look like or what face you make while having a mind-blowing orgasm! Enjoy the ride and free your mind and body. Lovemaking is therapeutic, and often brings two hearts closer together. Great sex also helps to increase one’s self-esteem. If the sex is loving, and you feel connected to your partner, this will make you feel like the beauty that you truly are. Go ahead and have some sexy sex. You deserve it!
21. Dezember 2012
Galia Brener
Fotogalerie: GB Flirt School Mit Galia auf dem Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at
ich denke, Larissa hat in dem, was sie sagte, schon in gewisser Weise Recht. Der Text ist voller abgenutzter Klischees, die es so schon in vielfacher Ausführung gibt, ja, vielleicht sogar auf Arbeitsblättern der Schule. Dass das jegliche Erotik, zumindest für manche Leser/-innen, aus dem Artikel nimmt, mag für euch nicht nachvollziehbar sein.
Sex vor einem Kamin auf toten Tieren ist ja nicht zwangsweise schlecht oder gar un-"sexy sex", aber das ist nun mal als Motiv einfach total abgelutscht. Außerdem ist der Gedanke an Sex vorm Kamin an sich nicht pragmatisch, da die meisten Leute sowas nun mal nicht zu Hause haben und auch nicht in ihrem neuen Victorias Secret- Babydoll auf ihre/n Geliebte/n warten.