VLOG Galia Brener
Single ladies, dry your tears!
12 things happy single girls do
Single does not mean dead or depressed. If you want to be happy, then it's really up to you! Here are 12 things that happy single girl do. Give it a try… it might change your life dramatically.
12 things happy single girls do:
I will be direct and not spare any feelings in this article. Life is short and you should live, enjoy and be happy while you can (single or not). Last night sitting on my couch, I realized that absolutely everything in life is pretty much temporary - either longer or shorter periods of time, but never forever. That’s why it’s time for us to wake the hell up and start living a happy live NOW.
1. Sports. Happy girls are balanced girls. I do yoga because it gives me peace at heart, and keeps me sane, especially when I have stressful and difficult situations to deal with. I enter the yoga school with thoughts about everything, and exit with an empty mind. It’s worth gold to just breathe and not think about your crap for a while. Sports help us stay healthy, beautiful, and allow our brain to rest from the constant mind fuck that we put it through.
2. Take care of themselves. Single does not mean dead. Happy single girls continue to shave their sweet parts, and take the best care of their hair, nails and skin. They take vitamins to boost their immune system, never miss a teeth cleaning at the dentist, and make sure they go to the gynecologist to get everything checked up. Happy single girls love and make themselves their own top priority. To be brutally honest, and what I’ve heard from people’s situations, is that nobody needs a sick partner.
3. Spend time with friends and family. Life is not only about romantic love, and having a partner. Single happy girls are grateful for every opportunity to spend time with the ones dear to them. They appreciate the true gifts in life – of having a best friend, and family that love them like no one else does. Remember my words: everything is temporary – and parents will not be here forever. Spend as much time with them as you can… before it’s too late.
4. Shopping. No boyfriend? No problem! Being single leaves you with more money to spend on yourself. Spoiling yourself is a privilege that you should get used to. However, also saving a bit every month is very important because it gives you financial freedom, which is a bloody amazing feeling!
5. Spend time alone. Spending time alone is very peaceful for me. I sometimes lock myself in for the entire weekend, and watch DVDs, write my articles, pig out on Russian pilmeni, sort out my closet, do some facial masks, sleep, rest, read, draw, and the list goes on. A single happy girl must be able to spend time on her own. Life is not over if you have no boyfriend, quite the opposite actually, it gives you time to relax and do the stuff you love - whenever and how long you want to.
6. Let go. Single happy girls let go of expectations and pressure to meet a guy. They know and have faith that the right man will come when the time is right, and not stress themselves and their friends about it. Single happy girls are confident, know their own worth, and are never desperate. They don’t take any shit from a man, and would rather be single than together with a schmuck.
7. Live in the present. Happy girls are not stuck in the past with thoughts of how amazing the time with their ex-boyfriend was, while shedding painful tears. They also don't dwell too much in the future thinking how happy they will be when they finally find their true love. Happy girls live in the present, because they know that life can pass by in a blink of an eye. Living in the past in a crazy illusion – it’s not real, and a ridiculous waste of time.
8. Get enough sleep. A well-rested girl is a happy girl. Never underestimate the power of sleep! The body regenerates itself during sleep, which means better skin, rested calm nerves, no dark circles under the eyes and more energy. This all contributes to a daily happy-feeling. The great thing about being single is having the bed all to yourself. Plus there is nobody snoring beside you, keeping you awake and irritated all night.
9. Optimism. Happy single girls stay optimistic. No matter what hardship they have been through in life, they keep their strength and don’t let anything break them or kill their spirit. Nobody on this planet is worth your damaged nerves and health. The happy girl will see all bad occurrences as an opportunity to better herself, learn a life lesson and grow. Winners are able to create their own happiness – it’s your own choice!
10. Commit to goals. Happy single girls don't have time to complain about how lonely they are, because they actually have goals to achieve in their life. Instead of wallowing in miserable self-pity, happy women get off their ass and achieve something! They complain less, and accomplish more.
11. Surround themselves with happy people. Happiness attracts happiness. Likewise negativity attracts misery. Get rid of all the energy vampires in your life. You know those people that always have dramas and complain about everything? They are toxic. No matter how much you try to motivate and help them, they never learn. Happy single girls stay away from these people, and have friends that are positive, successful and well-balanced.
12. Happy single girls know how to masturbate well! They have perfect knowledge how to pleasure themselves and are not afraid to explore their own body. They know exactly where to touch themselves, how to do it, and what they need to reach an Earth-shattering orgasm. Happy girls have a great collection of vibrators, and are not afraid to use them!
So it’s really up to you… do you want to be happy or not?
I will be direct and not spare any feelings in this article. Life is short and you should live, enjoy and be happy while you can (single or not). Last night sitting on my couch, I realized that absolutely everything in life is pretty much temporary - either longer or shorter periods of time, but never forever. That’s why it’s time for us to wake the hell up and start living a happy live NOW.
1. Sports. Happy girls are balanced girls. I do yoga because it gives me peace at heart, and keeps me sane, especially when I have stressful and difficult situations to deal with. I enter the yoga school with thoughts about everything, and exit with an empty mind. It’s worth gold to just breathe and not think about your crap for a while. Sports help us stay healthy, beautiful, and allow our brain to rest from the constant mind fuck that we put it through.
2. Take care of themselves. Single does not mean dead. Happy single girls continue to shave their sweet parts, and take the best care of their hair, nails and skin. They take vitamins to boost their immune system, never miss a teeth cleaning at the dentist, and make sure they go to the gynecologist to get everything checked up. Happy single girls love and make themselves their own top priority. To be brutally honest, and what I’ve heard from people’s situations, is that nobody needs a sick partner.
3. Spend time with friends and family. Life is not only about romantic love, and having a partner. Single happy girls are grateful for every opportunity to spend time with the ones dear to them. They appreciate the true gifts in life – of having a best friend, and family that love them like no one else does. Remember my words: everything is temporary – and parents will not be here forever. Spend as much time with them as you can… before it’s too late.
4. Shopping. No boyfriend? No problem! Being single leaves you with more money to spend on yourself. Spoiling yourself is a privilege that you should get used to. However, also saving a bit every month is very important because it gives you financial freedom, which is a bloody amazing feeling!
5. Spend time alone. Spending time alone is very peaceful for me. I sometimes lock myself in for the entire weekend, and watch DVDs, write my articles, pig out on Russian pilmeni, sort out my closet, do some facial masks, sleep, rest, read, draw, and the list goes on. A single happy girl must be able to spend time on her own. Life is not over if you have no boyfriend, quite the opposite actually, it gives you time to relax and do the stuff you love - whenever and how long you want to.
6. Let go. Single happy girls let go of expectations and pressure to meet a guy. They know and have faith that the right man will come when the time is right, and not stress themselves and their friends about it. Single happy girls are confident, know their own worth, and are never desperate. They don’t take any shit from a man, and would rather be single than together with a schmuck.
7. Live in the present. Happy girls are not stuck in the past with thoughts of how amazing the time with their ex-boyfriend was, while shedding painful tears. They also don't dwell too much in the future thinking how happy they will be when they finally find their true love. Happy girls live in the present, because they know that life can pass by in a blink of an eye. Living in the past in a crazy illusion – it’s not real, and a ridiculous waste of time.
8. Get enough sleep. A well-rested girl is a happy girl. Never underestimate the power of sleep! The body regenerates itself during sleep, which means better skin, rested calm nerves, no dark circles under the eyes and more energy. This all contributes to a daily happy-feeling. The great thing about being single is having the bed all to yourself. Plus there is nobody snoring beside you, keeping you awake and irritated all night.
9. Optimism. Happy single girls stay optimistic. No matter what hardship they have been through in life, they keep their strength and don’t let anything break them or kill their spirit. Nobody on this planet is worth your damaged nerves and health. The happy girl will see all bad occurrences as an opportunity to better herself, learn a life lesson and grow. Winners are able to create their own happiness – it’s your own choice!
10. Commit to goals. Happy single girls don't have time to complain about how lonely they are, because they actually have goals to achieve in their life. Instead of wallowing in miserable self-pity, happy women get off their ass and achieve something! They complain less, and accomplish more.
11. Surround themselves with happy people. Happiness attracts happiness. Likewise negativity attracts misery. Get rid of all the energy vampires in your life. You know those people that always have dramas and complain about everything? They are toxic. No matter how much you try to motivate and help them, they never learn. Happy single girls stay away from these people, and have friends that are positive, successful and well-balanced.
12. Happy single girls know how to masturbate well! They have perfect knowledge how to pleasure themselves and are not afraid to explore their own body. They know exactly where to touch themselves, how to do it, and what they need to reach an Earth-shattering orgasm. Happy girls have a great collection of vibrators, and are not afraid to use them!
So it’s really up to you… do you want to be happy or not?
21. Februar 2014
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at