VLOG Galia Brener
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Galia Brener's Column
Girls should want to have fun!
Hey sexy ladies, start dating like men! Go out there, meet them, and date them - even at the same time! You deserve the best, so make a good choice for your future! Variety will help you learn and pick. Enjoy!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: © Harald Schröder
Video column
Galia Brener reads: Can you have it all?
Galia Brener reads her column "Yes, No, Maybe?" in her new Videoblog for Journal Frankfurt. Recorded in the Roomers Hotel the fourth video is all about the wishes one can (and maybe should) have.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Nils Bremer
Galia Brener's Column
Sexy or crazy organic relationships?
Sexy healthy relationships? No sorry, wrong. Healthy lifestyles and horror relationships. I would like to share with you, three dramatic stories about insane relationships. Curious?
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: © Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Let it go!
The bitch, the witch, and all of these idots are just testing you. Let it go, and laugh at them. They know that you are the better and smarter one, and are simply jealous of you. Enjoy your glory!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: © Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Be Happy, starting NOW!
Have you noticed that more smiles are disappearing? Is it a trend to look depressed and bored, or have we simply lost our happiness? Darling, it's time to get back into action!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Nils Bremer
In Bed with Galia
Galia Brener reads: My name is EGO
Galia Brener reads her column "Yes, No, Maybe?" in her new Videoblog for Journal Frankfurt. Recorded in a bed in the Roomers Hotel the third video is all about the Ego - and how it destroys relationships.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: nil
Galia Breners`s Column
Communicate yourself to happiness!
No communication? No love! It's time to open up the closet and let the skeletons out to play! Most likely they have been there for a while, and the bones are quite dusty. Learn to communicate openly, and the world shall be yours!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: © Harald Schröder
Yes, No, Maybe?
The sadistic Jealousy Demon
My name is Jealousy Demon. I can invade you body, control your mind, and seep my poison into your weak veins. I can drive you mad! I can chew your heart with my teeth, and you can't stop me! Or can you?
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: @ Harald Schröder
In Bed with Galia
Galia Brener reads "Highway to Hell"
Galia Brener reads her column "Yes, No, Maybe?" in her new Videoblog for Journal Frankfurt. Recorded in a bed in the Roomers Hotel the second video is all about the cruelty within us.
Text: Galia Brener
Galia Brener's Column
Be a child again
Being an adult is not always as fun as they promised it would be. It's time to wake up that little rebel child inside! It's now or never, so jump into that time machine and make it happen…
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: © Harald Schröder

VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at