VLOG Galia Brener
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Galia Brener's column
You’re having an affair?
Having a hot affair? It might seem very exciting at the moment, but you're setting yourself up for some bitter pain! Save yourself the bad karma and endless torment, stop the affair now.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Yoga 4 inner peace in a crazy world
Need inner peace? If you are going through problems in your life, there is a way to release this painful anxiety. You can deal with this sadness, and become beautiful and fit at the same time! Read here how...
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Galia Brener
Kolumne von Galia Brener
Deal with your shit!
Victim role? He is still in love with his ex! Deal with your shit asap, before it deals with you, and makes you sick! Action is the only way to happiness.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Breners Kolumne
Gali, the Tinder police.
Cheaters on Tinder - there are many on there, who are simply looking for fast cheap sex, while their partners are clueless, bringing them breakfast to bed. Shameful! Find out if your partner is there.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Been to a sex store lately?
Keeping your sex life hot, especially in a long-term relationship is something important to work on, and must not be taken for granted! Here are some juicy tips for you and your partner.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's new column
Give each other space
Give each other space, or risk killing your relationship! Love needs air to breathe, just like anything that lives and grows. Don't hang on desperately to each other, or else your love is doomed!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's new column
Know your worth!
Know your worth and never sell yourself for less! Don't allow yourself to get used, hurt, walked on and treated badly. You are not a doormat or a hotel for a quick layover!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Breners Column
Run away from the Narcissist!
Narcissists will make your life a living hell! Here are 12 points to see if you're dating a narcissist. If you are, run away as fast as you can!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Do you miss your “ex” or the “feeling of love”?
Do you really miss your "ex" or the "feeling of love" in your life? Many people confuse the two things. Once you realize the huge difference, you can finally let go and move on!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Racing adventures at the MotoGP
Half-naked women, Earth-shattering loud engines, and VIPs running around like wild Neanderthals! Where am I? At the one and only MotoGP at the Sachsenring! Read here about my thrilling weekend.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Galia Brener

VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at