VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's column
You’re having an affair?
Having a hot affair? It might seem very exciting at the moment, but you're setting yourself up for some bitter pain! Save yourself the bad karma and endless torment, stop the affair now.
We live in a world where things move faster than the speed of light - unfortunately sometimes, even love as well. Values are being replaced with smartphones, and morals are sniffed up the nose in forms of white powders. Wives cheat on Tinder, and husbands run to prostitutes. What is left from the old-fashioned thing, once called “true love”? I'm sure you have all heard of horror stories about affairs amongst your friends, or have seen it in movies. So I ask myself, how many of those cheating affairs actually have a happy ending?
My friend Gloria met a man two years ago. "B-Liar" was exceptionally handsome, tall with dark blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was very charming, and quite the smooth operator. He was flawless, and even more beautiful than the painting of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde would do flips in the air if he saw B-Liar. He was quite generous, and invited Gloria on a holiday the first month they met. She noticed that he always put his phone face down on the table, and kept it on silent or closed most of the time. She didn't think much of it, only that he was trying to spend quality time with her, without interruptions. Yeah right. When they came back, he spent many wonderful evenings in her flat, but always left early in the morning and never had much time on the weekends for her - saying that he's busy, or must work at the office during the weekend. He also never took her to his flat – making an excuse that it's being renovated, and that he lives in a hotel at the "moment". The months passed by and she was already very deeply in love with him. She said, "Gali, I know that he's the one! I feel it so deep inside, I'm sure of it!"
One evening, I was at the beautiful Christmas market in Frankfurt, enjoying a hot warm glass of Feuerzangenbowle with the girls. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. B-Liar walk by, hugging Gloria. As I was approaching them from behind, I saw that they started kissing very passionately in front of the Christmas tree. I was so happy for my dear Gloria. Being the silly monkey that I am, I jumped on her and gave her a huge bear hug from behind. What happened next was the shock of a lifetime for me! She turned around, and it was not Gloria! She looked at me like I just dropped down form the moon, and I accidentally spilled my entire Feuerzangenbowle on B-Liar. He introduced her as his wife, and I was shocked and speechless! He looked very scared and begged me with his eyes not to say anything. His wife was very confused, and I realized it was time to make my exit. I told the girls I have to leave, and went straight to Gloria's flat. I felt so miserable. How the hell should I tell my good friend such horrendous news, when she thinks he's the one? I bought a bottle of Belvedere on the way, because I knew this would be a tough evening for my poor sweet darling.
I told Gloria that B-Liar is married. It hurt me so much to see the gruesome pain settle in her eyes and heart. It was a gut-wrenching night, one of the worst I've ever had. I have never heard someone cry with so much agony. How could he have hidden it for so many months from her? Of course he tried to blind her with the usual, "I don't love her anymore, and we don't have sex at all. It's too expensive to get a divorce at the moment. I will leave her soon, you're the only one for me. I love you so much baby" bullshit! However, Gloria loved him to death, and couldn't let him go. He showered her with promises to leave his wife. She waited and waited, and wanted him even more. She cries often now, and happiness has not visited her heart for a while. She is living on standby. It’s horrific to see my friend so broken! I tell her to leave him, and stop this insanity at once! But she doesn’t, because he promised to be with her. Well, it's been almost two years now and nothing has changed. Gloria is the other woman. His promises are empty, and only fuel her false hope of a happy future together. But like with most affair cases, he will never leave his family.
Ladies, and also gentlemen - it happens often the other way around as well - please save yourself the excruciating pain, and don't get involved with a married person. Very rarely do these people leave their partners for their lovers. And if they do, there is a huge chance that s/he will cheat on you as well - once a cheater, always a cheater. Besides, you don't want to be that bitch who broke up a family and brought evil into someone's life. This is bad karma - and you don't want to mess with that. I read somewhere that karma-wise, if you have and affair with a married person, the same can come back to you later on, and your future partner might have an affair as well. That's horrible, and you don't need this to happen to you. There are enough single people out there these days for us. If you are dating someone and didn't know about this, like Gloria, my advice would be to stop the affair right away. Sure you will miss them, and feel pain for a while, but it's a pain with an end, rather than being stuck in an affair with endless pain. You will eventually get over it and move on. If you stay in the affair, you will block your possibility of finding true love with someone that can actually be yours! No good comes out of affairs, and almost all of them have a very bitter ending. Life is short, is that what you wish for yourself? Make yourself available for the one who will be “your” sweetheart. Don't you deserve the best?
My friend Gloria met a man two years ago. "B-Liar" was exceptionally handsome, tall with dark blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was very charming, and quite the smooth operator. He was flawless, and even more beautiful than the painting of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde would do flips in the air if he saw B-Liar. He was quite generous, and invited Gloria on a holiday the first month they met. She noticed that he always put his phone face down on the table, and kept it on silent or closed most of the time. She didn't think much of it, only that he was trying to spend quality time with her, without interruptions. Yeah right. When they came back, he spent many wonderful evenings in her flat, but always left early in the morning and never had much time on the weekends for her - saying that he's busy, or must work at the office during the weekend. He also never took her to his flat – making an excuse that it's being renovated, and that he lives in a hotel at the "moment". The months passed by and she was already very deeply in love with him. She said, "Gali, I know that he's the one! I feel it so deep inside, I'm sure of it!"
One evening, I was at the beautiful Christmas market in Frankfurt, enjoying a hot warm glass of Feuerzangenbowle with the girls. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. B-Liar walk by, hugging Gloria. As I was approaching them from behind, I saw that they started kissing very passionately in front of the Christmas tree. I was so happy for my dear Gloria. Being the silly monkey that I am, I jumped on her and gave her a huge bear hug from behind. What happened next was the shock of a lifetime for me! She turned around, and it was not Gloria! She looked at me like I just dropped down form the moon, and I accidentally spilled my entire Feuerzangenbowle on B-Liar. He introduced her as his wife, and I was shocked and speechless! He looked very scared and begged me with his eyes not to say anything. His wife was very confused, and I realized it was time to make my exit. I told the girls I have to leave, and went straight to Gloria's flat. I felt so miserable. How the hell should I tell my good friend such horrendous news, when she thinks he's the one? I bought a bottle of Belvedere on the way, because I knew this would be a tough evening for my poor sweet darling.
I told Gloria that B-Liar is married. It hurt me so much to see the gruesome pain settle in her eyes and heart. It was a gut-wrenching night, one of the worst I've ever had. I have never heard someone cry with so much agony. How could he have hidden it for so many months from her? Of course he tried to blind her with the usual, "I don't love her anymore, and we don't have sex at all. It's too expensive to get a divorce at the moment. I will leave her soon, you're the only one for me. I love you so much baby" bullshit! However, Gloria loved him to death, and couldn't let him go. He showered her with promises to leave his wife. She waited and waited, and wanted him even more. She cries often now, and happiness has not visited her heart for a while. She is living on standby. It’s horrific to see my friend so broken! I tell her to leave him, and stop this insanity at once! But she doesn’t, because he promised to be with her. Well, it's been almost two years now and nothing has changed. Gloria is the other woman. His promises are empty, and only fuel her false hope of a happy future together. But like with most affair cases, he will never leave his family.
Ladies, and also gentlemen - it happens often the other way around as well - please save yourself the excruciating pain, and don't get involved with a married person. Very rarely do these people leave their partners for their lovers. And if they do, there is a huge chance that s/he will cheat on you as well - once a cheater, always a cheater. Besides, you don't want to be that bitch who broke up a family and brought evil into someone's life. This is bad karma - and you don't want to mess with that. I read somewhere that karma-wise, if you have and affair with a married person, the same can come back to you later on, and your future partner might have an affair as well. That's horrible, and you don't need this to happen to you. There are enough single people out there these days for us. If you are dating someone and didn't know about this, like Gloria, my advice would be to stop the affair right away. Sure you will miss them, and feel pain for a while, but it's a pain with an end, rather than being stuck in an affair with endless pain. You will eventually get over it and move on. If you stay in the affair, you will block your possibility of finding true love with someone that can actually be yours! No good comes out of affairs, and almost all of them have a very bitter ending. Life is short, is that what you wish for yourself? Make yourself available for the one who will be “your” sweetheart. Don't you deserve the best?
22. September 2014
Galia Brener
Galia Brener am 23.9.2014, 18:03 Uhr:
Dear Cynthia, thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear that your friend got hurt by such a situation. Is she ok now? Did she stay together with him?

Cynthia Lowler am 23.9.2014, 16:36 Uhr:
It's never a good idea to have any kind of affair - neither for women or men. You only get hurt afterwards, and that's all. Happened to my best friend. Never ever, stay away from married men!!! They will use you and leave you.
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at