VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's column
Where is he already?!
Does It seem like the whole damn world is in love except you? Where is he already?! Let me tell you a little secret… your love is already on its way. Curious? Read here ...
It's Saturday afternoon and you decide to spend some hard-earned money on a little treat for yourself. As you wander through the city, you can't help but notice the couples everywhere. Every few meters you see them walking happy, as if these bloody lovers are on a mission to show off in front of you today. The handholding, the smiles and whispers, the shared secrets, the kissing and the passion. Is it your imagination, or does it seem like everyone in the fucking city is in love, and you're left out? Damn it, where is he already? As you feel a tug on your heart the only way to fill that hole, at this very moment, is to make that "little" present for yourself not “so little.” You end up coming home with expensive shoes, or a new exhaust pipe for your Harley. It makes you feel happy… but maybe for about a week.
There is a rumor going around about a mysterious lady called Destiny. Apparently they say that when she decides the time is right, she sends you love. Sometimes you must go through hell and suffering, while gaining life lessons to be prepared for true love. Other times you have a mission to accomplish before the right one comes. Either way, Madame Destiny calls the shots, and therefore this tough bitch is not to be outsmarted. However, there is a way to make the waiting process easier. As hard as it is, it helps to stay busy and positive. Regardless of what you went through in the past, and we have all gone through some evil crap, you cannot let that get you down. No matter what love tragedy happened to you before, never ever take it with you into the present and future. You must let the past go, or else it can destroy you, and leave you stuck in the darkness. Bitterness and anger repels good people away. So please don't do your ex a favor by staying bitter. You must fight these sad heavy feelings and force yourself to be happy and positive. After all, happiness is a choice!
This reminds me of Natalia's story. She had been single for years after her boyfriend left her. She thought that he was the love of her life, and they will get married and have a family. Unfortunately, the fairytale died. Carrying a broken heart shattered in a million tiny pieces, she tried to find a new love for some years after, but without much luck. What I admire about Nat is that no matter how difficult her dating life was, she never gave up! She always said, "Gali my time will come, and I will also have true love." Unbelievable to see how convinced she was, especially after such a devastating breakup. Her 40th birthday arrived, and at 12am, she raised her champagne glass and drank, "To love." Nat’s two close girlfriends, happily married, were feeling sad for her. They couldn't understand why such a wonderful woman was still single.
The next morning, hung over and depressed like hell from all the marriage talk, Natalia went to buy some food. She felt and looked like what the cat dragged home last night, with messy hair and puffy eyes, wearing leggings and sneakers. She walked out of the dessert isle with a jar of strawberry jam in her hand, and all of a sudden, BAMM! Some guy bumped into her. She dropped the jar, and the jam splashed all over her shoes, her bag, and the floor looked like thick red blood was splattered all over it. "Jesus! Can't you watch where the hell you're.........Oh..." She looked up and saw the guy smiling mischievously at her, with a cute guilty look on his face. Half of his jeans were covered in jam as well. They laughed, he apologized, and invited her for dinner to make up for the sweet mess. One thing led to another, they got married, and Nat had her first child now at 42. Amazing right? How did this happen you ask? Well, Natalia believed in love - against all odds!
What works is to be 100% assured that you deserve to be happily in love. You must be completely convinced that true love is out there and will soon be yours. Why the hell should these grey mice you see walking with amazing men, holding hands, have love and not you? If they find a partner, then so can you! Head up and stand tall, knowing that yours is coming too. You must have complete and unconditional faith. Not thinking, “Oh it's been so long, I give up. I will never find love.” WRONG! Such thoughts will never ever attract love in your direction. Lady Destiny doesn't like when people feel negative like this. If you don't feel that you deserve love, then why should it come to you? Change your thoughts immediately, and things around you will change as well. Make a little experiment, and try it out.
Call it craziness or the sixth sense, but I feel that many will meet their life partner this year. A little tip for attracting love: buy yourself a piece of jewelry with rose quartz. Whether it's a bracelet, ring, necklace or anything else, make sure that the stone touches your skin. Rose quartz increases self-confidence, opens your heart to love, and helps to heal past pain. The best part is that rose quartz attracts new love into your life. I highly recommend wearing this stone everyday. Meanwhile, keep yourself busy. Go out with your friends and dance without looking around for someone to meet, enjoy your hobbies, spend time with your family, discover new food and restaurants, read more, go to galleries, travel, work, get a pet, spend money on yourself, and simply enjoy living - being grateful that you are healthy and alive. And above all, please stay positive and keep the faith, no matter how hard it is! Love will come when you least expect it... I promise you this. It always does.
There is a rumor going around about a mysterious lady called Destiny. Apparently they say that when she decides the time is right, she sends you love. Sometimes you must go through hell and suffering, while gaining life lessons to be prepared for true love. Other times you have a mission to accomplish before the right one comes. Either way, Madame Destiny calls the shots, and therefore this tough bitch is not to be outsmarted. However, there is a way to make the waiting process easier. As hard as it is, it helps to stay busy and positive. Regardless of what you went through in the past, and we have all gone through some evil crap, you cannot let that get you down. No matter what love tragedy happened to you before, never ever take it with you into the present and future. You must let the past go, or else it can destroy you, and leave you stuck in the darkness. Bitterness and anger repels good people away. So please don't do your ex a favor by staying bitter. You must fight these sad heavy feelings and force yourself to be happy and positive. After all, happiness is a choice!
This reminds me of Natalia's story. She had been single for years after her boyfriend left her. She thought that he was the love of her life, and they will get married and have a family. Unfortunately, the fairytale died. Carrying a broken heart shattered in a million tiny pieces, she tried to find a new love for some years after, but without much luck. What I admire about Nat is that no matter how difficult her dating life was, she never gave up! She always said, "Gali my time will come, and I will also have true love." Unbelievable to see how convinced she was, especially after such a devastating breakup. Her 40th birthday arrived, and at 12am, she raised her champagne glass and drank, "To love." Nat’s two close girlfriends, happily married, were feeling sad for her. They couldn't understand why such a wonderful woman was still single.
The next morning, hung over and depressed like hell from all the marriage talk, Natalia went to buy some food. She felt and looked like what the cat dragged home last night, with messy hair and puffy eyes, wearing leggings and sneakers. She walked out of the dessert isle with a jar of strawberry jam in her hand, and all of a sudden, BAMM! Some guy bumped into her. She dropped the jar, and the jam splashed all over her shoes, her bag, and the floor looked like thick red blood was splattered all over it. "Jesus! Can't you watch where the hell you're.........Oh..." She looked up and saw the guy smiling mischievously at her, with a cute guilty look on his face. Half of his jeans were covered in jam as well. They laughed, he apologized, and invited her for dinner to make up for the sweet mess. One thing led to another, they got married, and Nat had her first child now at 42. Amazing right? How did this happen you ask? Well, Natalia believed in love - against all odds!
What works is to be 100% assured that you deserve to be happily in love. You must be completely convinced that true love is out there and will soon be yours. Why the hell should these grey mice you see walking with amazing men, holding hands, have love and not you? If they find a partner, then so can you! Head up and stand tall, knowing that yours is coming too. You must have complete and unconditional faith. Not thinking, “Oh it's been so long, I give up. I will never find love.” WRONG! Such thoughts will never ever attract love in your direction. Lady Destiny doesn't like when people feel negative like this. If you don't feel that you deserve love, then why should it come to you? Change your thoughts immediately, and things around you will change as well. Make a little experiment, and try it out.
Call it craziness or the sixth sense, but I feel that many will meet their life partner this year. A little tip for attracting love: buy yourself a piece of jewelry with rose quartz. Whether it's a bracelet, ring, necklace or anything else, make sure that the stone touches your skin. Rose quartz increases self-confidence, opens your heart to love, and helps to heal past pain. The best part is that rose quartz attracts new love into your life. I highly recommend wearing this stone everyday. Meanwhile, keep yourself busy. Go out with your friends and dance without looking around for someone to meet, enjoy your hobbies, spend time with your family, discover new food and restaurants, read more, go to galleries, travel, work, get a pet, spend money on yourself, and simply enjoy living - being grateful that you are healthy and alive. And above all, please stay positive and keep the faith, no matter how hard it is! Love will come when you least expect it... I promise you this. It always does.
14. Februar 2014
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at