VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener's column

SEXpectations in Frankfurt!

Welcome to Frankfurt, the world's largest bedroom. Where the the farmer-bankers are bitter, and the Würstchens are cold-blooded. Come join us, but be aware to set your SEXpectations right!
I love this city, but let’s face it, Frankfurt is a big bedroom. Let me put it this way, if there was a social media platform called “Sexbook”, then all of the Frankfurters would somehow be connected to each other. For those of you smiling right now, you know that’s how it really is. For those thinking, “I didn’t sleep with that many people!”… Well dear, even if you only slept with one Frankfurt guy, be assured that he slept with at least a handful of Frankfurt girls before you – and from there, the numbers just multiply. x10, 100? After all, we are the financial city of numbers!

Remember the story of Claudia and that low-life-banker-farmer-man, Mr. Cutlery? Yes, he was the one that lied to her, promising her a beautiful future together, only to get her into bed. But that’s not all ladies and gentlemen. Apparently Mr. Cutlery also slept with Claudia’s best friend’s roommate – during the same timeframe – knowing that the girls are friends! Our pal Karma is always on the lookout for such dirty characters. Mr. Cutlery is a miserable and depressed man. From a young age growing up at the farm, all he ever wanted was to be loved. He didn’t get this love. Now this empty man roams the streets of Frankfurt, manipulating women into sleeping with him. Poor Mr. Cutlery. Let’s all pray for him.

Expectations. They are a killer. If not met, one can get drowned by dreadful feelings of disappointment and sadness. Why do we do this to ourselves? Isn’t it better to simply not expect anything, and let ourselves be surprised when something good happens? Wouldn’t this save us tears and pain? This reminds me of Jilli’s story. She met a tall lawyer at the Schwedlersee. Let’s call him “Mr. Whitey.” At first, he was a charming gentleman. They met a few times, and spent hours talking and laughing. However, the disgusting Mr. Whitey had a plan set up all along! One evening, he took Jilli to a charity event on a boat. All was well, and then… BOOM! His ex girlfriend showed up in their group. Mr. Whitey “forgot” to mention that he took Jilli with him just to make his ex jealous, because he was still after her love. Jilli was simply used as bait! What a filthy degenerate jerk! It was awful, and Jilli couldn’t get off the bloody boat! Swimming in the Main was looking better and better with every minute! Finally they docked, and Mr. Whitey lied to Jilli that he lost his keys, and couldn’t get into his flat. She felt sorry for this poor bastard, and let him sleep on the couch. Of course he tried his luck, but Jilli didn’t even give him a millisecond of a chance! In the morning, this moron “miraculously” found his keys in a “hole” in his pocket. Later on, Jilli heard from an acquaintance that – surprise surprise – also dated him, that he has problems in the “performance” department – I guess Ms. Karma has paid a visit to him already.

I saved the best for last. I was invited to a house party of a fabulous Frankfurt girl that everyone loves. She has a heart of gold, and is very kind. Let’s call her “Beauty.” We were sitting in the kitchen, drinking Prosecco and laughing. The doorbell rang, and a few of her friends came in. All of a sudden, Beauty’s face lost its color. Along with the others, a guy that doesn’t deserve to own a proper name, walked into her flat with a strange woman. We all know him as the local communication design conception hip hop psychopath, named after an action hero's inferior partner. I will call him Can. (Short for garbage can!) Beauty was shocked because they had slept together a few months ago! However, she showed her maturity and let him into her flat. I knew their story. We decided to let the past die and enjoy the evening. After a while, nobody saw Can and that strange alien woman anymore. We searched everywhere for him. We went to her bedroom, and the door was locked. Beauty felt a shiver run down her spine. She pushed the door open… and hell broke loose! She saw Can having sex with the alien woman on her bed! The same bed they were together in a few months ago! Can saw her and jumped in the air, scratching his boiled Frankfurter Würstchen on the edge of the bed! What a scene. I was in shock! The alien was screaming naked on the bed looking for her panties, Beauty was hysteric, Can was running through the flat naked on his way out, and everyone at the party just froze in time – like a scene out of the matrix, except without red or blue pills – just high on good old Frankfurt drama. That’s not all boys and girls. Can ran away naked, and forgot his alien on the bed. She was crying the entire river Main on Beauty’s bed. Of course Beauty didn’t have the heart to throw her out because this poor little alien was young, and didn’t know what a lowlife Can really is. An hour later, as this catastrophe was discussed, it turned out that 3 other women in the party were sleeping with Can – during the same week! And not one knew about the other! He lured them in with nice talk and false expectations! Can knows that he is a cowardly parasite, so he decided to leave Frankfurt in shame and ridicule. It turned out that long ago, a girl hurt his feelings, and damaged his soul for the rest of his life. Poor Can, nobody ever truly loved him, and no one ever will. What a harsh reality that must be for him!

The common factor in all 3 stories is that these men were also victims of their expectations for the love they didn’t receive in the past. Look how this damaged them! The Bad Boys of FFM keep on recycling the women, and these poor girls usually do not know when they are falling into the trap. Why? Because of expectations. Maybe he’s a good one? Maybe he’s the one? I would suggest to go into such encounters keeping in mind the “SEXpectations!” Best is to take it slow and get to know him before. A few extra dates without lovemaking wont hurt you, but might save you weeks of heartache after. Now, are you ready to step into the world’s largest bedroom?… I dare you!

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
15. März 2013
Galia Brener


Galia Brener am 18.3.2013, 12:29 Uhr:
Dear Edward, here I totally agree with you. To believe in God's providence means to believe in destiny, and to have faith! One can mee their soulmate while walking on the street and accidentally bumping into each other! That's already the work of destiny! That's why I like to recommend to enjoy life, and the right person will come when the time and conditions are right. I like this quote: "Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you." by Loretta Young. Of course one can increase the chances by going to interesting places and events ;-)
Edward R. am 17.3.2013, 14:26 Uhr:
Hi Galia! Wow.. That was fast reply, thanks! You are correct here. People should try different ways to find a soul mate. In any social circle you can find good and not so good people. The problem is that these circles are small and no new members are coming in. I still would like to believe in God?s providence though..:) Wish you good luck and keep writing! Thank you again for your smart advices! Edward
Galia Brener am 17.3.2013, 11:05 Uhr:
Dear Edward, thank you for your lovely comment. I agree, people have to mix around more. Be bold and try new things! That's why I would suggest to try new activities (where one can meet completely new people), like take exotic cooking lessons, go to a cool new art exhibition. If you like classical music, try to go to a rock concert or bar. Try the opposite of what you are used to! Expanding your horizon will help you to grow as an individual, and also open a whole new world to new people and adventures. Perhaps this would help the "Bedroom Issue" because one would be exposed to new people, and not always the same vicious circle. I also think that people should become more empathetic to one another. This is what our society really need. EMPATHY. Stop hurting each other people. Thank you for reading the column!
Edward R. am 15.3.2013, 23:49 Uhr:
Dear Galia, it is very bold article, bravo! You have taste and courage. But I have news for you: such bedroom cities exist everywhere, in every country! LOL. I guess the problem is that ladies are not willing to get in touch with men from another social status levels. To find a partner in the same social status level she will have to be in the circle of people to whom she already was introduced in one or another way. And logical outcome are situations you are describing in your sharp article..:) Unfortunately the bedroom environment will become so intolerable - it will blow up in many faces! Matter of time, ladies and gentlemen! Hey Galia, any good advice?..:)
Galia Brener am 15.3.2013, 11:19 Uhr:
Keychain photo link did not work. Try this one :-)
Galia Brener am 15.3.2013, 11:13 Uhr:
*** WIN WIN WIN a GB leather fringe keychain worth 129 Euro. - Simply LIKE the page and TAG yourself in one of the competition photos! Don't forget to SHARE with your friends! ? ***

Photos of keychain here: set=a.372160589557423.1073741825.313624862077663&type=3

Please feel free to contact me with questions and comments at: I will personally answer all emails as soon as possible.
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