VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener's column

Let it go!

The bitch, the witch, and all of these idots are just testing you. Let it go, and laugh at them. They know that you are the better and smarter one, and are simply jealous of you. Enjoy your glory!
This goes out to our emotional ones. Fortunately and unfortunately I belong to this group. Fortunately because us sensitive types feel emotions quite deeply, are compassionate, empathetic, and caring. Unfortunately because we take things too closely to the heart, get hurt very easily and sometimes carry the sorrows of the world upon our shoulders. We tend to worry a lot, get offended quite easily, and in general, allow people to hurt us. The way I see it is that we emotional/sensitive types have a big karmic lesson to learn: to take things easier, and be able to let go when needed!

What do I mean by "Let it go?" For example, you hear that someone said something bad about you. Or when you have an argument with your partner, you might be tempted to go on fighting until s/he realizes that you are right, and not them. You do something really wonderful for someone, and they don’t appreciate it. You have a fight with your mom or best friend, your boss screams at you, you get shoved on the train, and almost fall down. The guy you really like has not called back in over two weeks. Whatever the case is, it upsets you. Perhaps like myself, you might have difficulties to let things go. I know that sometimes a situation can hurt me very much, and this will sit for quite a long time in my heart, and keep me sad for days and weeks.

I think it's time to turn on the survival instincts, and learn to let thing go easier. Whether we like it or not, keeping all of this crap inside our hearts only hurts and damages us more. By keeping this nonsense within us, we only give more power to those that gossip about us, hurt us, and try to bring us down. I have no clue why people consciously try to hurt others for no reason - especially bitchiness and gossip between women! What I do know is that if we continue to take this too personally, and allow this to hurt/damage us, then these bullies end up winning.

My friend Jilli had a horrible female stalker, let’s call her the old New Witch. This Witch verbally attacked her in public, trying to sabotage Jilli’s career and fame. The New Witch is a sad and pathetic case. She is bitter because of her own tragic failures. She lost man after man in her life due her own psychotic hysterics, she has no female friends, half of Frankfurt hates her, and she gets worse every year. She cheats with other people’s husbands! She simply lost her mind many years ago, and cannot get back to reality. One day, she heard of Jilli and her success, and the jealousy started to eat the New Witch from the inside out! She wants what Jilli has. The crazy thing is that this psycho doesn’t even know Jilli!! The old witch even “threatened” to seduce her handsome boyfriend, which made Jilli laugh and almost fall off the couch. This old witch has nothing left anymore. She hangs on a thin thread of sadness, jealousy, bitterness, and knows that in a few years, it will be over for her. Let it go old witch! She lived an evil life, being bad to everyone, and now she gets it all back.

"In one ear, and out of the other" - I admire people that can let things go easily. In my case, it goes into one ear, travels through to the brain, and starts an entire emotional dialogue with the heart. After the heart has registered the hurt, it travels to my stomach, where it gives me pain, and after a while, when the damage is done, it slowly disappears through tears. It's time to cut the crap and nonsense out of our lives. What about leaving emotions and feelings for the positive things in our lives? The bad ones did not deserve this kindness from us. Let them rot in hell where they belong. We are children of the light, and this dirt shall not touch us anymore. I have also observed that when involved in a discussion, sometimes you have to be the smarter one and stop. If you see that the other is not open to communication, then give it up, and let the topic rest. You can always make your point at a later time, when emotions have calmed down.

People like this lonely New Witch can be found all over the world. They come as a test for us to see how we deal with such creatures and situations. They will try to tease, hurt, harass, manipulate, and test us. So how will we react? Will we allow them to bother us? Or rather, do we laugh at them and go on? Evil does not like smiles. This aggravates it! Never give into its temptations. Don't react, and do not let it seep into your heart. Block it immediately with a smile. When you do this, the evil has not chance to go further. Smile, turn around and walk away. “Be Teflon”, and let this dirty negativity slide right off of you. Don’t even bother letting it into the one ear. My best friend Leo says the best action is no reaction whatsoever.

By letting go, it does not mean that you are being weak, and allowing the other to win and take control. Quite the opposite actually. By letting go, you are being smart, and loving yourself. You are protecting yourself from useless waste. You put yourself beyond it, and not allow it/him/her to hurt you. You are the smarter one. What do you think? Is it worth to take this garbage into your heart, and let it hurt you, or does it pay off to just let it go? And will letting go help you to move on and become stronger? These are the mysteries of our mind and soul. I guess no one has the perfect answer, but you can protect yourself by cutting out and ignoring what you don’t need in your life.
10. Mai 2013
Galia Brener


Galia Brener am 16.5.2013, 00:23 Uhr:
Dear John, thank you for your comment! I can completely understand your point. However believe me, it's hard enough for us women, and we do not want to make it even worse for you. Sometimes it's nice to have an open ear, and someone to listen to our sorrows. We appreciate your help and care. But I definitely agree with your point, and we should get rid of the negative drama in our lives. Best wishes, Gali
Galia Brener am 12.5.2013, 13:50 Uhr:
Liebe Andi, danke für Dein Kommentar! My German is not the best, sorry. I want to share my experiences with my readers, so that they do not make the same mistakes as I did, and learn from other's negative situations :-) Therefore I gather all stories from myself and my friends/surroundings/acquaintances, and try to help you to avoid repeating our mistakes. Ich freue mich dass Dir meine Kolumne gefällt! Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende, LG Gali

PS - Wenn Du ein Wunsche für Kolumne Themen hast, bitte sag mir Bescheid :-)
John Goldkins am 11.5.2013, 12:26 Uhr:
Well hello ladies. If you think that you are the only ones who suffer from all of these wars, then you are very wrong here! Us, men, who have to listen to stories about all these bitches that are around you. Us, men, who have to wipe your tears and bring you relaxation teas to bed. Us. men, who have to take you out to get your mind free from these bitter experiences. Have mercy, would you??!!...:))) Please read this column, get smart and make our lives easier and more enjoyable! In return we will spoil you, bring champagne to bed and not these teas, take you to restaurants to enjoy decadent food and dance. Ok, I think I wrote my point here. Miss Brener, go on and make our girls smarter! and help them stop with their drama finally! :) Thank you Galia for opening up about yourself, and trying to help. Regards, John
Andrea Müller am 11.5.2013, 12:17 Uhr:
"Mensch" wollte ich schreiben... nicht "mansch"! :-)))
Andrea Müller am 11.5.2013, 12:14 Uhr:
Super Galia! Keine schreibt so offen wie Du. Du sprichst mir wirklich aus der Seele! Mansch, dass Du keine angst hast so offen über Deine Erlebnisse zu schreiben, finde ich sehr stark und inspirierend! Du hast ja auch recht... no more drama please! Let it go! Mach so weiter, LG Andi
Galia Brener am 11.5.2013, 11:57 Uhr:
Grace, you made me laugh, thanks :-) I know that in such situations the anger takes control, but in the long term run, it really is better to just walk away. If you give into her manipulation and try to retaliate, then this will put you at the exact same low dirty level as she is. Believe me, you do not want that. That is actually what separates you both. You are living at a completely different awareness than her. You are evolved, she unfortunately is not. Like Leo says, no reaction whatsoever. This will drive her crazy... and that will give you your mental satisfaction! Don't get your hands dirty dear Grace. She is not worth it. Thanks for your funny and honest comment. Have a great weekend, Galia :-)
Grace O. am 11.5.2013, 11:30 Uhr:
Hi Galia, Very smart article! But from my experience in this matter - it is easy to say than to do. Oh I had so many desires just to jump in this bitch, pull her hair out and through from the third floor!!..:) And yesss, that would bring me a great deal of satisfaction! Alas.. that I could not do either. Therefore I guess it is better to become smart and let it go. But this woman flying down from the third floor still occupies my mind and gives me mental satisfaction!! Good job Galia, keep writing girl, I enjoy every column of yours! Hugggssss Grace
Galia Brener am 11.5.2013, 11:29 Uhr:
Dear Steffen, thank you for the sincere comment. Reading it made my entire weekend! I'm glad to see that people enjoy my writing, and actually take my advice. In the beginning it was hard to openly write about my own issues/faults/insecurities, but the more time passed, and with every article, I gained more courage to write so openly about myself. I thought to myself: If I already went through these tough experiences, I might as well share them with the world, and let people know how this can be avoided. We have to share with each other, and that's how we learn. Thank you for your kinds words. If you have any special wishes for topics for the next articles, please let me know. Thanks, Gali :-)
Steffen Schneider am 11.5.2013, 10:54 Uhr:
Hi Galia, what a great article! I am happy to read that many others have to deal with the same issues, and not just me. It's great that you bring up such important topics, and can talk so openly about them. Not many people I know would have the courage to do this, and also use themselves as an example. Good for you! You are a help and inspiration to us all. Thanks for the good work, and please continue to share your wisdom with us. Best, Steffen
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