VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's column
13 simple things to make your woman happy
Here are 13 point to make your woman very happy! It's not as hard as you think - you don't have to be Hercules or a millionaire to succeed at this.
Last week I gave you the men’s 13-point list of happiness. This week I compiled our list, and I am pleased to say that there are many similarities! At the end of the day, we all want happiness and love. Getting the women might seem like the hardest part of the dating game, however that is only a small portion of the battle won. The real challenge is not getting the woman, but rather keeping her happy by your side! Dear men, I'm sure you are sitting with your eyebrows raised and a smirk on your face now, but don't worry, it's not as hard as you think - you don't have to be Hercules or a millionaire to succeed at this.
Let’s make it easy for you to understand and compare this to your car that you love so damn much. Imagine you get your dream car - it's fast, shiny and new! Every time you see it, a wave of happiness rushes through your body and you can't get your eyes off your new baby! Driving it is one of the best feelings in world. A few years go by, and you notice dents here and there. The new car smell has long evaporated, the leather interior is not so pristine anymore, and the rims have scratches on them. Your car is getting older, but it's still your baby and you will take care of it, right? With every 10,000 km you lovingly pat the steering wheel, and thank her for being so good to you. Even if she gets very old and is considered an old-timer, you wont just leave her to rust. Much like beautiful cars, women need proper care and attention as well. If you don't invest time and effort into taking care of the things you love, then you will lose them.
Dear gentlemen, here is a list of 13 things that you can do to keep your woman very happy:
1. Foreplay – go down on her, make her hot and don’t forget to cuddle afterwards
2. Don’t tell her what to do
3. Accept her as she is
4. Be supportive, strong and courageous
5. Be a good listener - show her that you are loyal and caring
6. Be generous – financially and with your attention, compliments and love
7. Always be honest and faithful
8. Be a gentleman – show respect, good manners and take responsibility
9. Be funny and show your sense of humor
10. Surprises – sweet text messages, flowers, dinner and gifts
11. Stay sexy - don't let yourself go
12. Show her appreciation, kindness and be forgiving
13. Make plans and commitment for your future together
This reminds me of Gloria’s unfortunate story. She was dating a guy who pretended to be her prince charming at the beginning, and did everything to sweep her off her feet. But as time passed by and the more effort she made, the less he gave back in return. He took her for granted, and this slowly killed the love she felt for him. Towards the end of the relationship, it seemed that he didn’t care much at all and showed his true narcissistic nature. Gloria eventually had enough of his selfish crap and left him. After she was gone, months later he finally realized how much he truly loved and missed her, but it was already too late. His flowers and love letters had no meaning for her anymore. She met a real man who was more than willing to make her very happy! Ladies before falling madly in love, keep your eyes open, and make sure that the man genuinely wants to make you happy because he truly loves you. I don’t want to see any more women suffer like Gloria did.
I know I have listed a lot of things to do, but take your time and do it because you want to and not because you have to. Actions and deeds speak louder than words. Always remember to never take your woman for granted. If you are not good to her, then she will eventually leave, and another man will be very willing to make her happy! Relationships are not always easy, and love can be a real bitch, but if you figure out the formula to make her happy, believe me, she will give you even more in return. Making your woman feel special is not so difficult, and a bit more effort on your part will get you ahead (and even head ;-) and keep your woman feeing very happy. After all, with all of the wonderful things we do for you, we deserve it!
Let’s make it easy for you to understand and compare this to your car that you love so damn much. Imagine you get your dream car - it's fast, shiny and new! Every time you see it, a wave of happiness rushes through your body and you can't get your eyes off your new baby! Driving it is one of the best feelings in world. A few years go by, and you notice dents here and there. The new car smell has long evaporated, the leather interior is not so pristine anymore, and the rims have scratches on them. Your car is getting older, but it's still your baby and you will take care of it, right? With every 10,000 km you lovingly pat the steering wheel, and thank her for being so good to you. Even if she gets very old and is considered an old-timer, you wont just leave her to rust. Much like beautiful cars, women need proper care and attention as well. If you don't invest time and effort into taking care of the things you love, then you will lose them.
Dear gentlemen, here is a list of 13 things that you can do to keep your woman very happy:
1. Foreplay – go down on her, make her hot and don’t forget to cuddle afterwards
2. Don’t tell her what to do
3. Accept her as she is
4. Be supportive, strong and courageous
5. Be a good listener - show her that you are loyal and caring
6. Be generous – financially and with your attention, compliments and love
7. Always be honest and faithful
8. Be a gentleman – show respect, good manners and take responsibility
9. Be funny and show your sense of humor
10. Surprises – sweet text messages, flowers, dinner and gifts
11. Stay sexy - don't let yourself go
12. Show her appreciation, kindness and be forgiving
13. Make plans and commitment for your future together
This reminds me of Gloria’s unfortunate story. She was dating a guy who pretended to be her prince charming at the beginning, and did everything to sweep her off her feet. But as time passed by and the more effort she made, the less he gave back in return. He took her for granted, and this slowly killed the love she felt for him. Towards the end of the relationship, it seemed that he didn’t care much at all and showed his true narcissistic nature. Gloria eventually had enough of his selfish crap and left him. After she was gone, months later he finally realized how much he truly loved and missed her, but it was already too late. His flowers and love letters had no meaning for her anymore. She met a real man who was more than willing to make her very happy! Ladies before falling madly in love, keep your eyes open, and make sure that the man genuinely wants to make you happy because he truly loves you. I don’t want to see any more women suffer like Gloria did.
I know I have listed a lot of things to do, but take your time and do it because you want to and not because you have to. Actions and deeds speak louder than words. Always remember to never take your woman for granted. If you are not good to her, then she will eventually leave, and another man will be very willing to make her happy! Relationships are not always easy, and love can be a real bitch, but if you figure out the formula to make her happy, believe me, she will give you even more in return. Making your woman feel special is not so difficult, and a bit more effort on your part will get you ahead (and even head ;-) and keep your woman feeing very happy. After all, with all of the wonderful things we do for you, we deserve it!
28. November 2014
Galia Brener
Roman Kraatz am 28.11.2014, 22:55 Uhr:
Galia Brener am 28.11.2014, 21:59 Uhr:
Danke schön Andrea :-)

Andrea Müller am 28.11.2014, 19:49 Uhr:
Das zeige ich mein Freund jetzt! Danke Galia, ich liebe deine Kolumne!
Galia Brener am 28.11.2014, 17:41 Uhr:
Dear J.H., thank you for your kind words and sharing the article :-)

J. H. am 28.11.2014, 15:34 Uhr:
Perfect list! You nailed it exactly! I will send this article to all my male friends ;-)
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at