VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Breners Kolumne
Men like curves for sex
Fickfett. It's not vulgar. This is simply our love handles, which men love to squeeze while having sex. Why constantly diet, when the men like curves anyways? Sport and not starvation! Read here for my interesting research.
Ladies what I'm about to tell you may or may not be a shock for you. Men like curves on a women and love to hold onto something while having sex. They like to wrap their fingers around your bum and hips while taking you from the top, behind, sideways or on the washing machine. They like to feel flesh and have their hands full of your body while digging deep into you. Bones hurt them and they don't like to cuddle with sharp painful objects.
A good friend of mine - you know who you are - calls this "Fickfett". It's not supposed to sound vulgar or disgusting. It simply refers to the curvy sides on a woman's body - aka the "love handles" - that a man loves to tightly grab while pulling his lover onto his hard penis. It's hot, it's feminine and it's sensual. Why worry about the love handles bulging out of our jeans and settling like a flat tire around our belts, when it’s apparently the must-have natural sex accessory! I have asked many men about this topic and 90% answered the same thing - after the hot sex is finished, the men love to cuddle and lay on the warm and soft breasts, stomach or hips of their woman. They need the flesh and curves to feel her femininity. The remaining 10% said that they like very skinny and fragile women, but the majority definitely want curves.
Curvy but not wobbly. My research continued and the guys told me that they don't mind if the woman is of a larger size, but what all agreed on was that there has to be a somewhat "firmer" feeling to the body, but not necessarily muscular. Women that do sports are definitely on the priority list. Let’s be honest with ourselves ladies and admit that if we really make an effort and go to the gym, do yoga, aerobics or sports regularly, then we definitely see and feel the difference. Cellulite doesn't bother them too much either. It's a genetic issue and many women have it, even the super skinny models (I've seen it myself at a fashion show two weeks ago!) Working out gives you the firm curvy look and feel that men love to squeeze. And a lovely side effect is that it sounds and looks great if you're into getting a slap or two on your bottom by your lover.
I really like this part of my research, and ladies, you will be happy to hear this! A well-known UK lingerie brand called Bluebella made a survey by asking men and women what is the perfect woman's body, compared to celebrity body parts. The results were that the man voted the ideal body for women to be much curvier than what the women voted for themselves! The ladies chose a thinner shape for themselves. The men mentioned examples of actresses with a round, curvy butt and hips. The females almost all chose thin models and actresses as their "perfect female body" examples. The men chose larger, curvier and even the stomach had a slight bulge! However, what both body images had in common was that both were toned and fit/firm.
So after all of my research, I ask myself again, "Ladies, why do most of us always want to be thinner and make diets?" Do we do it for ourselves, or to look better for the men, or show off in front of other women? Because to be quite honest, staying really thin is very hard work and you have to give up on so many delicious things. We always joke with the girls that if there would be no men on the planet, we would simply eat all day and not care at all what size we are. Our dream jobs would be to eat all day and get paid for it. But the reality is that staying in good physical shape and health, with the help of sports, is important for ourselves and nobody else. The amazing thing is that after this research I see once again that men don't expect us to be supper thin and skinny. So there is really no pressure for us to be a size zero. It's just us women applying this pressure upon ourselves - for no reason at all!
I ate a cheesecake for dinner a few nights ago. My fickfett-loving friend bought it for me and said, "Eat." I, like most women, have always had this desire to be skinny. However, I am slowly realizing that being skinny is not so necessary anymore. What’s really important is to simply stay in a healthy good shape. And if the men like round and fleshy curves to grab onto, then let's give them something to squeeze!
A good friend of mine - you know who you are - calls this "Fickfett". It's not supposed to sound vulgar or disgusting. It simply refers to the curvy sides on a woman's body - aka the "love handles" - that a man loves to tightly grab while pulling his lover onto his hard penis. It's hot, it's feminine and it's sensual. Why worry about the love handles bulging out of our jeans and settling like a flat tire around our belts, when it’s apparently the must-have natural sex accessory! I have asked many men about this topic and 90% answered the same thing - after the hot sex is finished, the men love to cuddle and lay on the warm and soft breasts, stomach or hips of their woman. They need the flesh and curves to feel her femininity. The remaining 10% said that they like very skinny and fragile women, but the majority definitely want curves.
Curvy but not wobbly. My research continued and the guys told me that they don't mind if the woman is of a larger size, but what all agreed on was that there has to be a somewhat "firmer" feeling to the body, but not necessarily muscular. Women that do sports are definitely on the priority list. Let’s be honest with ourselves ladies and admit that if we really make an effort and go to the gym, do yoga, aerobics or sports regularly, then we definitely see and feel the difference. Cellulite doesn't bother them too much either. It's a genetic issue and many women have it, even the super skinny models (I've seen it myself at a fashion show two weeks ago!) Working out gives you the firm curvy look and feel that men love to squeeze. And a lovely side effect is that it sounds and looks great if you're into getting a slap or two on your bottom by your lover.
I really like this part of my research, and ladies, you will be happy to hear this! A well-known UK lingerie brand called Bluebella made a survey by asking men and women what is the perfect woman's body, compared to celebrity body parts. The results were that the man voted the ideal body for women to be much curvier than what the women voted for themselves! The ladies chose a thinner shape for themselves. The men mentioned examples of actresses with a round, curvy butt and hips. The females almost all chose thin models and actresses as their "perfect female body" examples. The men chose larger, curvier and even the stomach had a slight bulge! However, what both body images had in common was that both were toned and fit/firm.
So after all of my research, I ask myself again, "Ladies, why do most of us always want to be thinner and make diets?" Do we do it for ourselves, or to look better for the men, or show off in front of other women? Because to be quite honest, staying really thin is very hard work and you have to give up on so many delicious things. We always joke with the girls that if there would be no men on the planet, we would simply eat all day and not care at all what size we are. Our dream jobs would be to eat all day and get paid for it. But the reality is that staying in good physical shape and health, with the help of sports, is important for ourselves and nobody else. The amazing thing is that after this research I see once again that men don't expect us to be supper thin and skinny. So there is really no pressure for us to be a size zero. It's just us women applying this pressure upon ourselves - for no reason at all!
I ate a cheesecake for dinner a few nights ago. My fickfett-loving friend bought it for me and said, "Eat." I, like most women, have always had this desire to be skinny. However, I am slowly realizing that being skinny is not so necessary anymore. What’s really important is to simply stay in a healthy good shape. And if the men like round and fleshy curves to grab onto, then let's give them something to squeeze!
20. März 2015
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at