VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Breners Kolumne
Gali, the Tinder police.
Cheaters on Tinder - there are many on there, who are simply looking for fast cheap sex, while their partners are clueless, bringing them breakfast to bed. Shameful! Find out if your partner is there.
Dear cheaters, I'm sorry to have to do this, but you had enough of selfish dirty "fun" on the side. It's time to bring the darkness out to face the light. Actually I'm not sorry at all for doing this. For those that know me well, know that I'm a warrior of love, and absolutely despise cheating. I think it's the most cowardly thing to do when in a relationship. It's egotistical, weak and extremely unkind! The act of cheating shows that a person has zero respect and compassion towards their partner and themselves. Thank you Tinder, for showing us who these people are.
During my few months on Tinder, I was astonished to see how many men are on there that are married or have wonderful girlfriends, which I know! I have discovered many men, from advertising agencies owners, to hotel, club and restaurant owners, to "kind" doctors, teachers and other “humanitarians” - all cheaters, without a soul or care about the pain they cause their partners. And it's not only the men. There are exactly as many women cheaters on Tinder, trying to pull a few nasty orgasms on the side, while their husbands are away on business trips, working hard to bring home some money and give them a good life! What the hell is happening to this world? Are there no more morals, values and loyalty out there? I've always been old-fashioned, but have I missed the moment where fidelity became a thing of the past? Is it not cool anymore to be faithful to one partner, or has the world become so narcissistic that we need to have sex with 5 people at the same time, including our partner, just to prove to ourselves that we are still hot and wanted? I don't get it, and I don't even want to know, because I think it's horrible and cruel. Ladies and gentlemen, we are moving further into the future, but it's really time to bring back some solid old values. If you can't be faithful, then don't be in a relationship. Basta.
Another person I discovered on Tinder last week was the boyfriend of a very good friend of mine, Michelle. She's a kind, wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and funny woman. Any guy should be happy and proud to have her by his side - except her asshole man, who I caught surfing Tinder shamelessly, looking to sleep around. I was there when Michelle met her guy some years ago, at a beautiful gala in Frankfurt. They laid eyes on each other, and she thought that he's "The One". They planned a wonderful future together, and she was waiting for the ring and proposal any day now. Last month they bought a flat in Westend together. It's a flat to die for, but unfortunately those walls will not be hearing Michelle's laughter. Instead of being the Wonderful-“One”-till-death-do-you-part, he turned out to be "The One" who bitterly hurt and humiliated her. Why buy a 1.7-Million Euro flat in Frankfurt for your happy life together, and then cheat on Tinder? The crazy thing is that two women sent me an email yesterday, saying that they have been “dating” this same greasy coward at the same time! What a mess!
This is how you can find out if your "loving" partner is cheating on you on Tinder (for both men and women). If you truly trust your partner, then don’t do it. If you feel something is fishy, then try it. I must warn you, be careful what you look for, because those who seek often find. The truth is not always nice.
1. Create a fake account on Facebook
2. Upload some beautiful photos (not of you of course) - make sure they look real and are not model/campaign photos.
3. Download Tinder, and create a profile.
4. Swipe, swipe, swipe, until you either find your partner or not. It's a game of Russian roulette. You might be one of the lucky ones that have a good love on your side, who still has morals and is faithful.
5. If you do find your partner, click the match heart.
6. If s/he doesn't click the match heart back, at least you now know that they are on Tinder.
7. If you get a "match" with your partner, then make a date with them, and give them a surprise from hell - where they are from.
8. This is a rough test, but it's better to find out sooner than later. Always know that you deserve the best, and should have someone in your life that truly loves you, and wants to be only with you!
Even if these people are not meeting anyone on Tinder for sex, and are just "testing the waters", this is actually the beginning of the end. If you think there's something better out there for you, don't waste your partner's time and drag them along, while you're "window shopping" for someone else! This is cruel and shameful. Let me remind the cheaters once again that Lady Karma is out there, and likes to get her revengeful claws deep into the flesh, digging out the heart and guts, full of dirty blood and tears. Cruelty will not go unpunished. If one causes pain to others, then it will come back to them - but much worse. So be aware. Karma doesn't miss anyone. Sometimes it takes days or years, but she always manages to get her job done! So, liar liar pants on fire - get your ass off of Tinder, build up some courage, and do the decent human thing - talk to your partner and straighten things out! Either you are faithful or breakup, but don't destroy a good person just because of your disgusting selfish need for cheap fast sex.
During my few months on Tinder, I was astonished to see how many men are on there that are married or have wonderful girlfriends, which I know! I have discovered many men, from advertising agencies owners, to hotel, club and restaurant owners, to "kind" doctors, teachers and other “humanitarians” - all cheaters, without a soul or care about the pain they cause their partners. And it's not only the men. There are exactly as many women cheaters on Tinder, trying to pull a few nasty orgasms on the side, while their husbands are away on business trips, working hard to bring home some money and give them a good life! What the hell is happening to this world? Are there no more morals, values and loyalty out there? I've always been old-fashioned, but have I missed the moment where fidelity became a thing of the past? Is it not cool anymore to be faithful to one partner, or has the world become so narcissistic that we need to have sex with 5 people at the same time, including our partner, just to prove to ourselves that we are still hot and wanted? I don't get it, and I don't even want to know, because I think it's horrible and cruel. Ladies and gentlemen, we are moving further into the future, but it's really time to bring back some solid old values. If you can't be faithful, then don't be in a relationship. Basta.
Another person I discovered on Tinder last week was the boyfriend of a very good friend of mine, Michelle. She's a kind, wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and funny woman. Any guy should be happy and proud to have her by his side - except her asshole man, who I caught surfing Tinder shamelessly, looking to sleep around. I was there when Michelle met her guy some years ago, at a beautiful gala in Frankfurt. They laid eyes on each other, and she thought that he's "The One". They planned a wonderful future together, and she was waiting for the ring and proposal any day now. Last month they bought a flat in Westend together. It's a flat to die for, but unfortunately those walls will not be hearing Michelle's laughter. Instead of being the Wonderful-“One”-till-death-do-you-part, he turned out to be "The One" who bitterly hurt and humiliated her. Why buy a 1.7-Million Euro flat in Frankfurt for your happy life together, and then cheat on Tinder? The crazy thing is that two women sent me an email yesterday, saying that they have been “dating” this same greasy coward at the same time! What a mess!
This is how you can find out if your "loving" partner is cheating on you on Tinder (for both men and women). If you truly trust your partner, then don’t do it. If you feel something is fishy, then try it. I must warn you, be careful what you look for, because those who seek often find. The truth is not always nice.
1. Create a fake account on Facebook
2. Upload some beautiful photos (not of you of course) - make sure they look real and are not model/campaign photos.
3. Download Tinder, and create a profile.
4. Swipe, swipe, swipe, until you either find your partner or not. It's a game of Russian roulette. You might be one of the lucky ones that have a good love on your side, who still has morals and is faithful.
5. If you do find your partner, click the match heart.
6. If s/he doesn't click the match heart back, at least you now know that they are on Tinder.
7. If you get a "match" with your partner, then make a date with them, and give them a surprise from hell - where they are from.
8. This is a rough test, but it's better to find out sooner than later. Always know that you deserve the best, and should have someone in your life that truly loves you, and wants to be only with you!
Even if these people are not meeting anyone on Tinder for sex, and are just "testing the waters", this is actually the beginning of the end. If you think there's something better out there for you, don't waste your partner's time and drag them along, while you're "window shopping" for someone else! This is cruel and shameful. Let me remind the cheaters once again that Lady Karma is out there, and likes to get her revengeful claws deep into the flesh, digging out the heart and guts, full of dirty blood and tears. Cruelty will not go unpunished. If one causes pain to others, then it will come back to them - but much worse. So be aware. Karma doesn't miss anyone. Sometimes it takes days or years, but she always manages to get her job done! So, liar liar pants on fire - get your ass off of Tinder, build up some courage, and do the decent human thing - talk to your partner and straighten things out! Either you are faithful or breakup, but don't destroy a good person just because of your disgusting selfish need for cheap fast sex.
29. August 2014
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at
As for your friend, we cannot judge because it seems like he loves her truely and deeply. I agree with you that once a cheater is always a cheater, but I have heard of a few rare cases that people change when forgiven.
Like yourself, I cannot forgive after a cheating betrayal, but I really do respect the people that have the strength and power to forgive their partner and stay with them. I think it's ok to give a second chance, but if the same mistake is repeated 3, 4 times, then things will never change.
I wish only the best for your friend, Nd hope their love will work out!
The funny thing is: all of this has a good side: people like you, big newspapers and media are living from this topic and writing their stories