VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's Column
The Evil “Friend”
There are evil women who lurk in the darkness, searching for a bright soul to feed on. Be careful which "friends" you let into your life, because you might regret it! Read about how to avoid destruction in your life.
Be careful whom you let into your life, because some women are cruel, egoistic, conniving, and have an ice block where the heart is meant to be - and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. They are like a vampiric hurricane that storms into your life, sucks out your energy, destroys the love you have with your man, copies your identity and style, spoils your good friendships and contacts, kills your career, ruins your life and "innocently" walks away after. However, can such an evil girlfriend simply get away with such brutal behavior, or will Lady Karma eventually catch her by the hair, and make her wish that she was never born? To all the evil girlfriends out there, rest assured that Karma will always strike back.
This brings me back to a very unfortunate situation that my friend Ambrosia went through last year. She had a good friend whom she has known for many years - let's call her "GreyMouse". These two did everything together. They were the classical definition of best friends, and were literally inseparable. One day, Ambrosia met a really wonderful guy. They fell in love quickly, and started a warm, passionate and intense relationship. They had some occasional fights, but the love was quite strong. Strangely though, after Ambrosia met her love, she felt that GreyMouse was acting weird towards her. She felt jealousy and hatred coming from her. She was saying and doing things that hurt her very much, but because Ambrosia has a heart of gold, she let a few things go, keeping in mind that GreyMouse was her "very good friend". This however had already created a huge warning sign blinking in Ambrosia’s head!
One day the bomb was dropped! After a year and a half of being together with her man, Ambrosia was trying to keep the relationship strong because they had some fights and problems along the way. They were at a very sensitive point, where a drama would destroy their bond. That's exactly what happened. One evening they went out for dinner in a large group. GreyMouse sat beside Ambrosia's boyfriend, and she was flirting with him while some funny stories were told. She wrapped her hands around his biceps saying how strong he was, and even poked her finger inside of his shirt, joking about his muscular hairy chest. Ambrosia hated it, but let it go, knowing that she was her good friend. Later on she saw GreyMouse talking to her guy outside, and wondered what the secrecy was all about. As she approached them, she heard GreyMouse saying, "…but you have to know something about Ambro, she likes to argue, have fights and needs drama in her life! She lives on it." Ambrosia stopped mid-step and felt like the Earth was removed from her feet. What a vicious betrayal! After that sentence, her guy looked at her with completely different eyes. They broke up a month after this scenario, and in their last fight, he said, "GreyMouse was right! You just love to argue and need this drama in your life! I don’t want this anymore." That hit her like a block of cement on the face! GreyMouse implanted a thought in his head that night, and he subconsciously accepted it as a “fact”. His mind registered: "If her best friend says this about her, then it must be true, because she knows her better than I do, so I will believe it". Then it was over.
Ambrosia was destroyed for many months after that. She took the breakup very hard and was not able to move past it for a long while. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces! Why the hell did her friend say this awful crap about her to her boyfriend? What was the need to betray her in such a cruel way? But such evil actions never go unpunished. Karma will always fly down to do her job properly. She is a lady on a mission, and she misses nothing and no one! Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes it takes some years, but Karma's work always gets done! Evil also has a way of functioning like a boomerang - and it will strike back the person that released it in the first place. Ambrosia heard that GreyMouse has some misfortunes in her life. She told me last week that she wishes no one harm, but as we see, Lady Karma always completes her work.
Ladies, please choose carefully who you allow to enter your lives. Not everyone is genuinely happy for you! - Especially not those evil women pretending to be your good friends. Therefore, share as less as possible about your life and relationship details. The less personal information you expose to such snakes, the less jealousy and destruction will occur. Unless it's a super trusted old friend, otherwise keep your business to yourself! Open up your eyes and pay attention to the small signs and things these people say and do. If you feel that something is not right, it usually isn't. If you see there is too much jealousy and negativity, the best method is to remove them from you life immediately. Hatred and jealousy should not have a place in your life, and you must not let such people close to you, otherwise you will regret it. Like my Mama always says, “Who needs enemies if one has such evil friends!” So please be careful and look closer at whom your real friends are. Remove poisonous women out of your life – the sooner, the better!
This brings me back to a very unfortunate situation that my friend Ambrosia went through last year. She had a good friend whom she has known for many years - let's call her "GreyMouse". These two did everything together. They were the classical definition of best friends, and were literally inseparable. One day, Ambrosia met a really wonderful guy. They fell in love quickly, and started a warm, passionate and intense relationship. They had some occasional fights, but the love was quite strong. Strangely though, after Ambrosia met her love, she felt that GreyMouse was acting weird towards her. She felt jealousy and hatred coming from her. She was saying and doing things that hurt her very much, but because Ambrosia has a heart of gold, she let a few things go, keeping in mind that GreyMouse was her "very good friend". This however had already created a huge warning sign blinking in Ambrosia’s head!
One day the bomb was dropped! After a year and a half of being together with her man, Ambrosia was trying to keep the relationship strong because they had some fights and problems along the way. They were at a very sensitive point, where a drama would destroy their bond. That's exactly what happened. One evening they went out for dinner in a large group. GreyMouse sat beside Ambrosia's boyfriend, and she was flirting with him while some funny stories were told. She wrapped her hands around his biceps saying how strong he was, and even poked her finger inside of his shirt, joking about his muscular hairy chest. Ambrosia hated it, but let it go, knowing that she was her good friend. Later on she saw GreyMouse talking to her guy outside, and wondered what the secrecy was all about. As she approached them, she heard GreyMouse saying, "…but you have to know something about Ambro, she likes to argue, have fights and needs drama in her life! She lives on it." Ambrosia stopped mid-step and felt like the Earth was removed from her feet. What a vicious betrayal! After that sentence, her guy looked at her with completely different eyes. They broke up a month after this scenario, and in their last fight, he said, "GreyMouse was right! You just love to argue and need this drama in your life! I don’t want this anymore." That hit her like a block of cement on the face! GreyMouse implanted a thought in his head that night, and he subconsciously accepted it as a “fact”. His mind registered: "If her best friend says this about her, then it must be true, because she knows her better than I do, so I will believe it". Then it was over.
Ambrosia was destroyed for many months after that. She took the breakup very hard and was not able to move past it for a long while. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces! Why the hell did her friend say this awful crap about her to her boyfriend? What was the need to betray her in such a cruel way? But such evil actions never go unpunished. Karma will always fly down to do her job properly. She is a lady on a mission, and she misses nothing and no one! Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes it takes some years, but Karma's work always gets done! Evil also has a way of functioning like a boomerang - and it will strike back the person that released it in the first place. Ambrosia heard that GreyMouse has some misfortunes in her life. She told me last week that she wishes no one harm, but as we see, Lady Karma always completes her work.
Ladies, please choose carefully who you allow to enter your lives. Not everyone is genuinely happy for you! - Especially not those evil women pretending to be your good friends. Therefore, share as less as possible about your life and relationship details. The less personal information you expose to such snakes, the less jealousy and destruction will occur. Unless it's a super trusted old friend, otherwise keep your business to yourself! Open up your eyes and pay attention to the small signs and things these people say and do. If you feel that something is not right, it usually isn't. If you see there is too much jealousy and negativity, the best method is to remove them from you life immediately. Hatred and jealousy should not have a place in your life, and you must not let such people close to you, otherwise you will regret it. Like my Mama always says, “Who needs enemies if one has such evil friends!” So please be careful and look closer at whom your real friends are. Remove poisonous women out of your life – the sooner, the better!
16. Mai 2014
Galia Brener
Galia Brener am 16.5.2014, 19:34 Uhr:
Hi Andi, wow that's absolutely horrible! How can a so-called "best friend" do such terrible things? I don't understand how people think sometimes. I al really sorry for you that you had to experience such cruelty. You did the best thing by removing her out of your life. There is not other way to deal with such a betrayal. You sound like a nice person, and I hope that you and your husband are ok and happy together, and this evil witch is far far away from you. I wish you a very lovely weekend, and thank you for reading my column. I really appreciate that! Best wishes, Gali :-)

Andrea Müller am 16.5.2014, 13:24 Uhr:
Hi Galia, I try answer in Englisch. This happened 5years ago.she was also my best friend for many years. We spend lots of time together, and had nice friendship. Then I met my husband,and spend less time with her, of course i needed to work on the relationship and plan the wedding. She was crazy jealous because she didn't grant me the happiness that finally I found try love, she did not.She is bit older than me, and still single. SO after she try to come between me and my husband, and make trouble for us.SHe says to me that he is a bad man,and I should leave him because she saw him with other woman! I was very upset and asked him again and again,but he said always no! AT the end I found out it is NOT TRUE!! because she said she saw my husband again on the same evening he was home with me, so I know she was a lying to me! Horrible evil woman! I threw her out of my life. and never see her again since then. You right Galia, It is very important who you let inside your life! I will forward this article to all of my good friends and tell them to share too. Thank you for this writing Galia, I read your Kolumne every friday. LG Andi
Galia Brener am 16.5.2014, 12:53 Uhr:
Oh Andrea, I totally understand what you have felt like. I had a friend like this as well, and was very disappointed by her betraying behavior towards me. What did you end up doing about your friend?

Andrea Müller am 16.5.2014, 12:40 Uhr:
So eine "Evil Freundin" habe ich auch gehabt. Einfach Horror! Super Artikel Galia!
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at