VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's Column
Frankfurt meets Jean Paul Gaultier at the Dominicana Moda
Dominicana Moda 2015 – the big day has finally arrived - Jean Paul Gaultier’s long-awaited fashion show! Mr. Gaultier was dancing on the runway. Read here about Day 4 of my wild Dominican fashion adventure.
Today was the first day that I woke up full of energy and élan. Either the jet lag was finally fading away, or my body subconsciously knew that tonight was the big night! Jean Paul Gaultier - my idol – was showing his collection. I have been waiting for this day for over half a year now. I even woke up one hour before my alarm, which is very untypical for me, because I love to get my sleep whenever I can. But today was a very special day. I jumped out of the warm and cozy bed, tried my new Colgate whitening tooth paste to upkeep my bleached teeth, ate some fat-killing passion fruit and started my day.
I could tell that there were already many people at the hotel because the wifi became excruciatingly nonexistent. But being the high-tech survivor nerd that I am, I discovered one little secret place in the hotel, where the wifi works as fast as the speed of light. I went to hide in my little wifi time machine and uploaded some photos and articles for you. Then I met the team at the restaurant - of course they chose the table directly beside Jean Paul Gaultier's male models! In order to calm down and not freak out with excitement the entire day, I had to jump into the huge pool and swim many laps. I spotted a man peculiarly similar looking to Richard Branson on a lounge chair beside me. Could it have been him? It might have been in a different lifetime, if he wasn’t loaded with a double belly! I laughed to myself and continued writing with frenzy on my laptop. I realized that working at the pool in the Caribbean weather was not such a bad way to get some work done.
The tick tock of the clock reminded me that the time was pushing closer to the event. We were very lucky because we were allowed to be at the Garden Tent with Jean Paul Gaultier, while he was rehearsing with the models. We knew what the show and music would be like before everyone else did. I ran up from the pool, took a nice long relaxing shower, made my wavy hair straight, put on my favorite makeup (Peter Thomas Roth CC cream and Mac highlighter for that flawless glowing look, light smokey eyes and pink juicy lips), threw on my favorite black and white dress with my Byblos pumps, grabbed my front row ticket and made my way out. I met Jens and Nina and we went inside the tent, where Mr. Gaultier was already in full swing - chatting, laughing, dancing, organizing and guiding the models. He's a man of visions and action, and hence likes to do many of the duties by himself. There was one funny moment where Mr. Gaultier stopped the show and told the models to kiss. He said this is such a funny and cute way. (See the video on my YouTube channel).
I have to mention here how amazingly down to earth, warm, sincere, funny and kind Mr. Gaultier is! Usually designers like to keep their show a mystery and are not happy with many people hanging around before the show and especially not directly around the runway during rehearsals. He waned to have us around him, and didn't mind at all when we asked a hundred questions and made a thousand photos. He was very patient with everyone. I respect that so much about him. He was so cool, calm and collected - and this an hour before the highly anticipated show! Bravo Mr. Gaultier, another great reason why you are my fashion idol! Jens got a chance to have a nice interview with him, and I ran around being the curious monkey that I am - gathering information, images and memories of this wonderful experience. The press people made a circle around JPG and everyone wanted to have a piece of him. I sat at the front row, admiring the atmosphere. I was in fashion heaven! It was funny because I kept running Jens's videos with my loud excited comments beside him. Thankfully my chatter is not to be heard on the video they showed on the VOX Prominent show – a famous German TV show about celebrities. Needless to say, I look like a cartoon CIA agent, hanging beside Mr. Gaultier on the video. Don't ask! ;-) (Video on my YouTube Channel).
Out of fun for my love and relationship column, I asked Mr. Gaultier if he believes in true love. His exact answer was, "I believe only in love. Even real, or not real, or not true and true, I don't care. Love is the most important thing!" He was laughing while answering my question and that me laugh back. I was very happy to know that the magnetic and bright man still believes in love! (See this video also on my YouTube channel). The time was running and it was dangerously close to the beginning of the show. Mr. Gaultier gave me a wink and quickly left backstage. I took my fabulous seat at the front row and waited for the guests to arrive. It was great to see what everyone was wearing in Santo Domingo to such a glamorous event. Miss France was one of the models at the show and even the Dominican Republic president's wife was there - sitting a few seats away from me. The women were all dolled up and chic to the bone! The men were proud to accompany them. It was like a scene from a Gatsby party. Then suddenly the lights went out and a traditional Scottish bagpipe sound mixed with an electronic beat shook the tent. I didn't know what to expect, but as soon as the first model came out, I was ecstatic to see that it was the famous JPG wild style that I love so much! The only way for me to describe the collection is: "A classy and posh French underground fashion gang meeting up in a dark corridor and making their way to the Mad Hatter's New Year's Eve Tea with Absinthe Party!" If you have no clue what I mean by this sentence, please take a look at the photos of the collection below. I loved every single piece! My favorite one was the stripped long dress at the very end of the show, with a large black rounded apron in the front, and a huge black bow in the back. I would even wear that wild dress to my wedding - so creative, unusual, sexy, feminine and unforgettable! Once again, Jean Paul Gaultier managed to lift me off my feet and fly me away to his imaginary land of couture magic. At the end of the show, he came out dancing onto the runway and got a standing ovation. Everyone in the room was standing for him and he rightfully deserved every single clap!
After the show, we went backstage to congratulate Mr. Gaultier. We chatted a bit and then allowed him to take a breath of fresh air after his exciting day. We went to the after-party, where the VIP guests couldn't stop talking about the incredible show. Everyone had the same opinion: this collection was a brilliant masterpiece. I agreed! The music was hypnotizing and the champagne was flowing. I felt like a little girl high on too much sugar. It was such a huge honor for me to be a part of this exciting event. I didn't know what, where, when or why, but all I knew is that I haven't been this happy in years! It was a big jump forward for me and my blog. I felt that this was the wonderful next step in the ladder of my career. The Dominicana Moda was over with a big bang! This was definitely my favorite show of the entire fashion week. JPG knows how to entertain the people and keep everyone on their toes. I made my way back to the room, prepared my tired self for bed and jumped in between the crisp sheets. With a satisfied and joyous feeling, I closed my eyes, let my mind drift back to the thrilling events of the day and fell asleep with a soft smile on my lips.
I could tell that there were already many people at the hotel because the wifi became excruciatingly nonexistent. But being the high-tech survivor nerd that I am, I discovered one little secret place in the hotel, where the wifi works as fast as the speed of light. I went to hide in my little wifi time machine and uploaded some photos and articles for you. Then I met the team at the restaurant - of course they chose the table directly beside Jean Paul Gaultier's male models! In order to calm down and not freak out with excitement the entire day, I had to jump into the huge pool and swim many laps. I spotted a man peculiarly similar looking to Richard Branson on a lounge chair beside me. Could it have been him? It might have been in a different lifetime, if he wasn’t loaded with a double belly! I laughed to myself and continued writing with frenzy on my laptop. I realized that working at the pool in the Caribbean weather was not such a bad way to get some work done.
The tick tock of the clock reminded me that the time was pushing closer to the event. We were very lucky because we were allowed to be at the Garden Tent with Jean Paul Gaultier, while he was rehearsing with the models. We knew what the show and music would be like before everyone else did. I ran up from the pool, took a nice long relaxing shower, made my wavy hair straight, put on my favorite makeup (Peter Thomas Roth CC cream and Mac highlighter for that flawless glowing look, light smokey eyes and pink juicy lips), threw on my favorite black and white dress with my Byblos pumps, grabbed my front row ticket and made my way out. I met Jens and Nina and we went inside the tent, where Mr. Gaultier was already in full swing - chatting, laughing, dancing, organizing and guiding the models. He's a man of visions and action, and hence likes to do many of the duties by himself. There was one funny moment where Mr. Gaultier stopped the show and told the models to kiss. He said this is such a funny and cute way. (See the video on my YouTube channel).
I have to mention here how amazingly down to earth, warm, sincere, funny and kind Mr. Gaultier is! Usually designers like to keep their show a mystery and are not happy with many people hanging around before the show and especially not directly around the runway during rehearsals. He waned to have us around him, and didn't mind at all when we asked a hundred questions and made a thousand photos. He was very patient with everyone. I respect that so much about him. He was so cool, calm and collected - and this an hour before the highly anticipated show! Bravo Mr. Gaultier, another great reason why you are my fashion idol! Jens got a chance to have a nice interview with him, and I ran around being the curious monkey that I am - gathering information, images and memories of this wonderful experience. The press people made a circle around JPG and everyone wanted to have a piece of him. I sat at the front row, admiring the atmosphere. I was in fashion heaven! It was funny because I kept running Jens's videos with my loud excited comments beside him. Thankfully my chatter is not to be heard on the video they showed on the VOX Prominent show – a famous German TV show about celebrities. Needless to say, I look like a cartoon CIA agent, hanging beside Mr. Gaultier on the video. Don't ask! ;-) (Video on my YouTube Channel).
Out of fun for my love and relationship column, I asked Mr. Gaultier if he believes in true love. His exact answer was, "I believe only in love. Even real, or not real, or not true and true, I don't care. Love is the most important thing!" He was laughing while answering my question and that me laugh back. I was very happy to know that the magnetic and bright man still believes in love! (See this video also on my YouTube channel). The time was running and it was dangerously close to the beginning of the show. Mr. Gaultier gave me a wink and quickly left backstage. I took my fabulous seat at the front row and waited for the guests to arrive. It was great to see what everyone was wearing in Santo Domingo to such a glamorous event. Miss France was one of the models at the show and even the Dominican Republic president's wife was there - sitting a few seats away from me. The women were all dolled up and chic to the bone! The men were proud to accompany them. It was like a scene from a Gatsby party. Then suddenly the lights went out and a traditional Scottish bagpipe sound mixed with an electronic beat shook the tent. I didn't know what to expect, but as soon as the first model came out, I was ecstatic to see that it was the famous JPG wild style that I love so much! The only way for me to describe the collection is: "A classy and posh French underground fashion gang meeting up in a dark corridor and making their way to the Mad Hatter's New Year's Eve Tea with Absinthe Party!" If you have no clue what I mean by this sentence, please take a look at the photos of the collection below. I loved every single piece! My favorite one was the stripped long dress at the very end of the show, with a large black rounded apron in the front, and a huge black bow in the back. I would even wear that wild dress to my wedding - so creative, unusual, sexy, feminine and unforgettable! Once again, Jean Paul Gaultier managed to lift me off my feet and fly me away to his imaginary land of couture magic. At the end of the show, he came out dancing onto the runway and got a standing ovation. Everyone in the room was standing for him and he rightfully deserved every single clap!
After the show, we went backstage to congratulate Mr. Gaultier. We chatted a bit and then allowed him to take a breath of fresh air after his exciting day. We went to the after-party, where the VIP guests couldn't stop talking about the incredible show. Everyone had the same opinion: this collection was a brilliant masterpiece. I agreed! The music was hypnotizing and the champagne was flowing. I felt like a little girl high on too much sugar. It was such a huge honor for me to be a part of this exciting event. I didn't know what, where, when or why, but all I knew is that I haven't been this happy in years! It was a big jump forward for me and my blog. I felt that this was the wonderful next step in the ladder of my career. The Dominicana Moda was over with a big bang! This was definitely my favorite show of the entire fashion week. JPG knows how to entertain the people and keep everyone on their toes. I made my way back to the room, prepared my tired self for bed and jumped in between the crisp sheets. With a satisfied and joyous feeling, I closed my eyes, let my mind drift back to the thrilling events of the day and fell asleep with a soft smile on my lips.
30. Oktober 2015
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at