VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's Column
Backstabbing Bitches
The backstabbing bitches are all around us. Be careful who you trust and open up to, because she could be the one to steal your job, man, or money! Do not interact with these wretches. They are lost and empty dark souls, looking to feed on happiness.
You know them. Those girls who pretend to be your friends, smile in your face and tell you how amazing you look. But as soon as you turn around, the smoke comes out of their ears, their faces turn green with jealousy and the poison seeps out of the pores of their skin. Those, my dear ladies, are the backstabbing bitches. They are all around us: within our acquaintance circle, at the office, business partners, or those who you would never even suspect! Be aware, these predators will hunt until they are satisfied. The question is, will you allow them to hunt you, or make them stop cold in their tracks?
I’m an advocate of peace and respect between women. Sadly however, that is not always the case. I believe this comes from the natural instinct of competition and survival of the fittest: trying to be the best, prettiest, smartest, most successful, and and and. The problem is that some women take it too far beyond the limits, and are willing to walk over dead bodies in order to prove themselves to the world. It’s sick that they haven’t realized yet that they must not prove themselves to anyone. The problem is that by humiliating someone – usually by saying nasty comments and remarks – they feel bigger and better, because they have not much to show for themselves. Therefore this false display of power gives the backstabbers a “fake confidence”. If you know such women, run as far away from them as possible. They are weak, tortured, dark souls that feed on the happiness of others, because they are rotten and empty inside.
Ambrosia and I met for a drink last week, and she told me what has happened to her a few years ago. Her so-called “best friend” Briana suddenly stopped calling, and hanging out with her. Every time Ambrosia called, she either got her voicemail, or Briana didn’t have time for her. A few weeks later, Ambrosia went out for dinner with friends. All of a sudden, she saw Briana walk in, hand-in-hand with Ambrosia’s ex boyfriend! If felt like the sound in the entire world has been shut off, and everything was happening in slow motion. They saw Ambrosia, and he quickly dropped Briana’s hand. Ambrosia immediately noticed that this move hurt Briana. But how could this little bitch go after her ex boyfriend? This was disgusting! She is a backstabbing bitch. Briana tried to keep him by getting pregnant, but in his heart, he will never forget Ambrosia. She was his true love. Briana was and always will only be second best. She knows this, and it will eat her heart out for a long time. She already destroyed another family in the past, by dating a married man, and causing heartache to his poor wife. Karma is always around to catch such evil monsters like Briana.
Another friend of mine, Claudia Jacobs, has been recently fired from her job in the cruelest way! She was working in a small company, and a new partner was added. The partner’s nature was cold, and ruthless. Actually, “it” was a man trapped in a female body, with long hair and a pear-shaped figure. Let’s call her Lianne. Claudia did her best to be warm, open and welcoming to her. She opened herself up to this sadistic demon. She told her about her relationship, her past, her goals and dreams. The sadistic demon Lianne pretended to be Claudia’s friend. She listened to her stories, smiled in the right moments, and did a frighteningly perfect job at faking warmth and compassion. Unfortunately the entire time, Lianne was planning Claudia’s termination. She forced another partner to fire Claudia, because in reality, she is a rotten coward. She wanted more power and money for herself. She is psychologically ill, and needs the feeling of “fake power” in order to look at herself in the mirror. She is damned for all of the pain that she has caused others. Poor Lianne, her money will not save her from burning in hell.
So how do you avoid these backstabbing bitches? Well ladies I can suggest you to keep your mouth shut, for your own good! I know it's tempting to tell others things about yourself, especially when wonderful stuff happens, but not everyone will be happy for you! The less you say, the less they know, the less they are jealous, and the less bad energy will surround you! Try to learn to read people better before you open up and trust them. Woody Allen once said, “People don’t hate you for your weaknesses, they hate you for your strengths.” Share only with those you can trust, because backstabbing bitches are all around us. They are insecure, jealous, and want to be you! So do not feed this hungry monster with information about yourself. Do not react to them, and stoop down to their level. Always remember that you are a lady. You are above those wretches. Give them a mischievous smile, and walk away. After all, you know that karma is already on the hunt for them. It’s just a matter of time…. and then… BAMM!! Payback time, backstabbing bitches!
I’m an advocate of peace and respect between women. Sadly however, that is not always the case. I believe this comes from the natural instinct of competition and survival of the fittest: trying to be the best, prettiest, smartest, most successful, and and and. The problem is that some women take it too far beyond the limits, and are willing to walk over dead bodies in order to prove themselves to the world. It’s sick that they haven’t realized yet that they must not prove themselves to anyone. The problem is that by humiliating someone – usually by saying nasty comments and remarks – they feel bigger and better, because they have not much to show for themselves. Therefore this false display of power gives the backstabbers a “fake confidence”. If you know such women, run as far away from them as possible. They are weak, tortured, dark souls that feed on the happiness of others, because they are rotten and empty inside.
Ambrosia and I met for a drink last week, and she told me what has happened to her a few years ago. Her so-called “best friend” Briana suddenly stopped calling, and hanging out with her. Every time Ambrosia called, she either got her voicemail, or Briana didn’t have time for her. A few weeks later, Ambrosia went out for dinner with friends. All of a sudden, she saw Briana walk in, hand-in-hand with Ambrosia’s ex boyfriend! If felt like the sound in the entire world has been shut off, and everything was happening in slow motion. They saw Ambrosia, and he quickly dropped Briana’s hand. Ambrosia immediately noticed that this move hurt Briana. But how could this little bitch go after her ex boyfriend? This was disgusting! She is a backstabbing bitch. Briana tried to keep him by getting pregnant, but in his heart, he will never forget Ambrosia. She was his true love. Briana was and always will only be second best. She knows this, and it will eat her heart out for a long time. She already destroyed another family in the past, by dating a married man, and causing heartache to his poor wife. Karma is always around to catch such evil monsters like Briana.
Another friend of mine, Claudia Jacobs, has been recently fired from her job in the cruelest way! She was working in a small company, and a new partner was added. The partner’s nature was cold, and ruthless. Actually, “it” was a man trapped in a female body, with long hair and a pear-shaped figure. Let’s call her Lianne. Claudia did her best to be warm, open and welcoming to her. She opened herself up to this sadistic demon. She told her about her relationship, her past, her goals and dreams. The sadistic demon Lianne pretended to be Claudia’s friend. She listened to her stories, smiled in the right moments, and did a frighteningly perfect job at faking warmth and compassion. Unfortunately the entire time, Lianne was planning Claudia’s termination. She forced another partner to fire Claudia, because in reality, she is a rotten coward. She wanted more power and money for herself. She is psychologically ill, and needs the feeling of “fake power” in order to look at herself in the mirror. She is damned for all of the pain that she has caused others. Poor Lianne, her money will not save her from burning in hell.
So how do you avoid these backstabbing bitches? Well ladies I can suggest you to keep your mouth shut, for your own good! I know it's tempting to tell others things about yourself, especially when wonderful stuff happens, but not everyone will be happy for you! The less you say, the less they know, the less they are jealous, and the less bad energy will surround you! Try to learn to read people better before you open up and trust them. Woody Allen once said, “People don’t hate you for your weaknesses, they hate you for your strengths.” Share only with those you can trust, because backstabbing bitches are all around us. They are insecure, jealous, and want to be you! So do not feed this hungry monster with information about yourself. Do not react to them, and stoop down to their level. Always remember that you are a lady. You are above those wretches. Give them a mischievous smile, and walk away. After all, you know that karma is already on the hunt for them. It’s just a matter of time…. and then… BAMM!! Payback time, backstabbing bitches!
19. Juli 2013
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at