VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener
Talk about S.E.X.
S.E.X. Everybody enjoys it, but not all have the courage to talk about what they like in bed with their partner. Take a risk, and be more daring! This will inspire magic in your love life. Go ahead, try it…
Let’s talk about the oldest phenomenon. It’s the longest lasting “trend” since the actual existence of trends, hypes… actually, since the existence of human beings! It’s wonderful, keeps you in shape and makes your skin glow. It creates intimacy in partnerships and basically, it makes the world go round. What is this curious phenomenon? What could be so good that it has been the talk of all media, science, biology and history? Well my lovelies, it’s Sex of course!
Everybody is thinking about it, likes to engage in it, but most do not talk openly about it, especially in their relationships. “Pillow Talk” can do wonders for your love life! Bring in some more lust and playfulness into your life. Next time you are having dinner with your man, slowly stand up from your seat, walk seductively to him and whisper in his ear how much he turns you on. Then go back to your seat and continue eating, with a mischievous smile on your face! Make the blood race through his veins. It’s ok to be a bit provocative. It does not take away from your intelligence or sophistication. It does not make you look cheap. It allows you to express your sensual side, which every man and woman has, but many keep hidden and buried deep inside.
It’s time for me to bring you out of your comfort zone ladies. How the hell is he supposed to know about giving you your best Earth-shattering orgasm if you do not share with him what turns you on, or where exactly you like to be touched? Men are not psychics, and every body is different. He wont just “automatically know” what’s your favorite place and how to be touched. You must tell him, or even better, show him! It’s fun to explore together! This path to complete intimacy strengthens your bond, and lets you share and experience new things together.
My friend Jilli dated a very famous German actor. When they met, she had no clue who he was because she was not familiar with the German celebrity scene. For her, he was a sexy guy that she met at a charity event. He was extremely handsome, and had a really special charisma about him. He was tall, handsome and had a very masculine face and body. His dark eyes burned right through her body, and make her shiver every time she looked at him. After a few weeks, Jilli couldn’t wait to finally get this hot fellow into bed and have wild sex into the early daylight hours with him. One Saturday night, after a long dinner in his favorite Berlin restaurant, they went home, and started getting undressed in the hallway of his building. He kissed her roughly on her soft lips and pinned her up again the elevator. She ripped open his shirt and touched his muscular body, gently biting and licking his strong chest. Jilli was wearing a skirt, so he pushed aside her panties and stroked her with his powerful hands. It felt so good, she stared moaning. Jilli was very wet! The elevator arrived, and they ran to his flat. He picked her up in his arms and threw her playfully onto his bed. She undid his pants, and screamed for him to enter her. She felt ecstatic for the first few seconds, but after some minutes, the magic died. The sex was awful! She was so disappointed after waiting for so long. They tried a few more times, but eventually they separated because she was not happy in bed with him.
It’s a damn shame. If they had spoken about what they like in bed, and what turns them on, maybe they would have been able to rescue their love life and keep the fire bright! Instead, they just avoided the subject and let the passion die. Dear ladies, please don’t make the same mistake! For example, if your guy is shy, take the lead and send him a seductive sms. Or even better, leave him a naughty and provocative voice message. Humans are physical creatures. We like passion and excitement. Don’t be scared to tell him what you want in bed. Talk about sex! It will be a magical elixir for your love life. If you’re feeling especially bold and daring, order a nice love toy, and surprise him. Ask him what his fantasies are. Tell him your most intimate fantasies. This will help you build trust and grow closer to each other. Learn how to talk dirty in bed.
A huge reason for cheating is because the passion dies over time. Why not spice up your love life, and keep it fresh and alive? You are not only doing this for him, but mostly for yourself! You also want to feel sexy and desired, don’t you? So make yourself desirable. Buy a nice lingerie set that will make him forget his own name. Wear it out the next time you go for dinner, and flash him a small piece of the lace on your bra when he is choosing his dessert. Then go home and have mad passionate sex with him. Believe me, he will have you on his mind all day at work and when he comes home. You will feel like the goddess that you are. Sex heals the female confidence, sex rejuvenates, sex adds years to your life. Sex is fabulous, and must be explored.
Be daring and be the first one to initiate sex with your man. Do not always wait for him to make the first move. Wake him up in the middle of the night by touching him where he likes it most. Flirt with him in the car while he is driving. But please do not make him cause an accident with your hot teasing words. Kiss him wildly on places where you would not normally do so. Give him a massage while sitting naked on him. Make him go crazy for you. You are a woman, and you have magical powers. All women do. So why not use them? Go ahead, don’t be shy to talk about sex. You are a mysterious tiger, so don’t be scared to unleash that wild side within you. Have fun and enjoy!
Everybody is thinking about it, likes to engage in it, but most do not talk openly about it, especially in their relationships. “Pillow Talk” can do wonders for your love life! Bring in some more lust and playfulness into your life. Next time you are having dinner with your man, slowly stand up from your seat, walk seductively to him and whisper in his ear how much he turns you on. Then go back to your seat and continue eating, with a mischievous smile on your face! Make the blood race through his veins. It’s ok to be a bit provocative. It does not take away from your intelligence or sophistication. It does not make you look cheap. It allows you to express your sensual side, which every man and woman has, but many keep hidden and buried deep inside.
It’s time for me to bring you out of your comfort zone ladies. How the hell is he supposed to know about giving you your best Earth-shattering orgasm if you do not share with him what turns you on, or where exactly you like to be touched? Men are not psychics, and every body is different. He wont just “automatically know” what’s your favorite place and how to be touched. You must tell him, or even better, show him! It’s fun to explore together! This path to complete intimacy strengthens your bond, and lets you share and experience new things together.
My friend Jilli dated a very famous German actor. When they met, she had no clue who he was because she was not familiar with the German celebrity scene. For her, he was a sexy guy that she met at a charity event. He was extremely handsome, and had a really special charisma about him. He was tall, handsome and had a very masculine face and body. His dark eyes burned right through her body, and make her shiver every time she looked at him. After a few weeks, Jilli couldn’t wait to finally get this hot fellow into bed and have wild sex into the early daylight hours with him. One Saturday night, after a long dinner in his favorite Berlin restaurant, they went home, and started getting undressed in the hallway of his building. He kissed her roughly on her soft lips and pinned her up again the elevator. She ripped open his shirt and touched his muscular body, gently biting and licking his strong chest. Jilli was wearing a skirt, so he pushed aside her panties and stroked her with his powerful hands. It felt so good, she stared moaning. Jilli was very wet! The elevator arrived, and they ran to his flat. He picked her up in his arms and threw her playfully onto his bed. She undid his pants, and screamed for him to enter her. She felt ecstatic for the first few seconds, but after some minutes, the magic died. The sex was awful! She was so disappointed after waiting for so long. They tried a few more times, but eventually they separated because she was not happy in bed with him.
It’s a damn shame. If they had spoken about what they like in bed, and what turns them on, maybe they would have been able to rescue their love life and keep the fire bright! Instead, they just avoided the subject and let the passion die. Dear ladies, please don’t make the same mistake! For example, if your guy is shy, take the lead and send him a seductive sms. Or even better, leave him a naughty and provocative voice message. Humans are physical creatures. We like passion and excitement. Don’t be scared to tell him what you want in bed. Talk about sex! It will be a magical elixir for your love life. If you’re feeling especially bold and daring, order a nice love toy, and surprise him. Ask him what his fantasies are. Tell him your most intimate fantasies. This will help you build trust and grow closer to each other. Learn how to talk dirty in bed.
A huge reason for cheating is because the passion dies over time. Why not spice up your love life, and keep it fresh and alive? You are not only doing this for him, but mostly for yourself! You also want to feel sexy and desired, don’t you? So make yourself desirable. Buy a nice lingerie set that will make him forget his own name. Wear it out the next time you go for dinner, and flash him a small piece of the lace on your bra when he is choosing his dessert. Then go home and have mad passionate sex with him. Believe me, he will have you on his mind all day at work and when he comes home. You will feel like the goddess that you are. Sex heals the female confidence, sex rejuvenates, sex adds years to your life. Sex is fabulous, and must be explored.
Be daring and be the first one to initiate sex with your man. Do not always wait for him to make the first move. Wake him up in the middle of the night by touching him where he likes it most. Flirt with him in the car while he is driving. But please do not make him cause an accident with your hot teasing words. Kiss him wildly on places where you would not normally do so. Give him a massage while sitting naked on him. Make him go crazy for you. You are a woman, and you have magical powers. All women do. So why not use them? Go ahead, don’t be shy to talk about sex. You are a mysterious tiger, so don’t be scared to unleash that wild side within you. Have fun and enjoy!
8. Februar 2013
Galia Brener
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at