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Galia Brener's column
Been to a sex store lately?
Keeping your sex life hot, especially in a long-term relationship is something important to work on, and must not be taken for granted! Here are some juicy tips for you and your partner.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Fuck the EU!
Unsere Kolumnistin hat die Bild gelesen, und dort den Artikel von Franz-Josef Wagner, in dem dieser behauptet, Peter Scholl-Latour sei seine Welt gewesen als kleiner Junge. Grund genug, den Text umzudichten.
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's new column
Give each other space
Give each other space, or risk killing your relationship! Love needs air to breathe, just like anything that lives and grows. Don't hang on desperately to each other, or else your love is doomed!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Die Wirklichkeit des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens
Matthias Beltz sagte, das Fernsehen organisiere die Diktatur des Proletariats über die Kleinbürger seine Macher und Gucker. Unsere Kolumnistin findet: Die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen sind das beste Beispiel dafür.
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's new column
Know your worth!
Know your worth and never sell yourself for less! Don't allow yourself to get used, hurt, walked on and treated badly. You are not a doormat or a hotel for a quick layover!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Breners Column
Run away from the Narcissist!
Narcissists will make your life a living hell! Here are 12 points to see if you're dating a narcissist. If you are, run away as fast as you can!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
"Islam als Integrationshindernis"
Unsere Kolumnistin Ana Marija Milkovic nimmt einen in der Bild-Zeitung erschienen Artikel über den Islam zum Anlass, über Integration und die Rolle von Stadtplanung zu sinnieren.
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Do you miss your “ex” or the “feeling of love”?
Do you really miss your "ex" or the "feeling of love" in your life? Many people confuse the two things. Once you realize the huge difference, you can finally let go and move on!
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Harald Schröder
Galia Brener's column
Racing adventures at the MotoGP
Half-naked women, Earth-shattering loud engines, and VIPs running around like wild Neanderthals! Where am I? At the one and only MotoGP at the Sachsenring! Read here about my thrilling weekend.
Text: Galia Brener / Foto: Galia Brener
Kolumne von Ana Marija Milkovic
Das Pferd stirbt heute effizient
Unsere Kolumnistin Ana Marija Milkovic rätselt über erneuerbare Energien, die Einlassungen des Grünen-Chefs Anton Hofreiter und das richtige Leben im Falschen und was uns Adorno heute noch sagen kann..
Text: Ana Marija Milkovic / Foto: Harald Schröder

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