VLOG Galia Brener
Galia Brener's column
From FFM to OF for one evening: Luposworld Exhibition!

Ralf Werner
The Frankfurters dressed up nicely, gathered their Gbags and made their way to Offenbach. What was the reason for this rare 1-night migration? Of course for art my darlings! Read here about my awesome art-filled evening.
Last weekend the Frankfurters dressed up nicely, gathered their Gbags and made their way to Offenbach. What was the reason for this rare 1-night migration? Of course for art my darlings! Offenbach's art and design scene was hosting a weekend full of adventures. The lovely art festival Kunstansichten take place every two years in Offenbach, and I was looking forward to see it. I had a special reason to attend because my friend Peter Wolf-Stauffert, a.k.a. Lupo, was participating in the festival with his amazing art.
I jumped into a cab with my other Frankfurters, amongst them was Ralf Werner, photographer and owner of, who took all the photos that night, which are also seen in this article. Upon our arrival, the lovely Jana Michaela Jost, who helped Lupo to organize the entire weekend in his atelier, greeted us warmly at the entrance. She is a great event manager who takes care of organization and PR. Jana is also known for the entertaining Frankfurt riddles on her
We were handed a cold glass of Crémant and shown around the exhibition. Lupo did not disappoint with his outfit that night. He was wearing bright red leather shoes, a matching red shirt, black pants and blazer, all topped off with silver rings around each side of his beard. His outfit highlight was a black “Strick” rope around his neck that he uses as a form of live-or-die tie, which he calls “Think Positive” – decorated with beautiful crystals. Definitely a unique character with a matching sense of style!
I really like to visit Lupo’s atelier because there are so many fascinating, unique, funny, curious and astonishing pieces to see. Over 200 square meters of art for the eyes, heart and soul. My favorite piece that evening was the “Froschkönig”. A small old red TV that Lupo has emptied out to its bare shell, inside is a lady with a prince frog kneeling beside her, waiting for a kiss. The entire thing is lit up from inside, making it seem like a 3D TV show! Super cool. Other pieces include cool paintings, installations, an exotic Island in the middle of the main room, plastic legs on high heels with a metal dildo in between, small warrior ornaments, magic coins and games… and the wonderful list goes on and on.
I was fascinated with the exhibition and felt the need to know more. So I sat down with Lupo in the salon area and asked him a few questions:
How long are you an artist already?
Lupo started his career as a cook. However the last 25 years has turned him into an artist, and quite a talented one with instillations, lamps and paintings. His specialty is lamps. He told me the story that inspired him to change his career path. Every night after work, he walked home and looked into flats from the outside. He noticed that most ceilings had only cables hanging down with a light bulb attached, making the flat look naked and cold. He found this to be boring and it inspired him to create something beautiful. What he now proudly calls his Einzelstücke.
What inspires you?
Walking around flea markets inspires Lupo. He marvels at how many hours it takes to create a piece of art. There are many beautiful objects at flea markets simply rotting and wasting away. He figured that one could reuse these items by combining them with newer objects to create a new harmonious beautiful piece of "Trash Art". Recycling at its best! It's sad how things are being thrown away and people consider them as trash. Lupo finds these beauties and gives them a “Second Life”. Sometimes it takes a few years to find a perfect match, but after investing the time, passion and patience, a perfect art piece is reborn!
What's important for you?
Lupo say that it’s very important that people find their way back to themselves. Life is not only about money and success. He tries to illustrate passion, peace of mind and heart with his lamps. He says, today many things are done fast, commercial and cost a lot of money. Lupo reuses the things made from long ago to show craftsmanship and uniqueness. Going back to the roots for him is a parallel link to one finding oneself again. He works with 12 volts low electricity and LED technics, which produces a nice light and saves energy.
You are also a musician?
Lupo has a music room with diverse instruments including guitars, bass and a piano. He also writes and creates his own music with a Theremin, which is a very fascinating and supernatural sounding instrument! The Theremin’s controls consist of two metal antennas that sense the position of the player’s hands. One hand controls frequency and the other the amplitude.
Who are your clients?
Most of his clients are designers, craftsmen, trade people and art lovers.
What is your advice to young artists?
If you want to really make art and be a true artist, then be like a pit bull and bite into your work! Don’t just say it, but rather go do it and make your dreams come true.
After the lovely conversation, Lupo gave me an in depth tour, where Ralf made some more photos of us. Many people were stopping by the Atelier and enjoying the artworks. There are currently so many unique and fascinating pieces at Luposworld, which words do not do it enough justice. My advice to you would be to go there and take a look for yourself. It’s definitely one exhibition visit that you will never forget!
I jumped into a cab with my other Frankfurters, amongst them was Ralf Werner, photographer and owner of, who took all the photos that night, which are also seen in this article. Upon our arrival, the lovely Jana Michaela Jost, who helped Lupo to organize the entire weekend in his atelier, greeted us warmly at the entrance. She is a great event manager who takes care of organization and PR. Jana is also known for the entertaining Frankfurt riddles on her
We were handed a cold glass of Crémant and shown around the exhibition. Lupo did not disappoint with his outfit that night. He was wearing bright red leather shoes, a matching red shirt, black pants and blazer, all topped off with silver rings around each side of his beard. His outfit highlight was a black “Strick” rope around his neck that he uses as a form of live-or-die tie, which he calls “Think Positive” – decorated with beautiful crystals. Definitely a unique character with a matching sense of style!
I really like to visit Lupo’s atelier because there are so many fascinating, unique, funny, curious and astonishing pieces to see. Over 200 square meters of art for the eyes, heart and soul. My favorite piece that evening was the “Froschkönig”. A small old red TV that Lupo has emptied out to its bare shell, inside is a lady with a prince frog kneeling beside her, waiting for a kiss. The entire thing is lit up from inside, making it seem like a 3D TV show! Super cool. Other pieces include cool paintings, installations, an exotic Island in the middle of the main room, plastic legs on high heels with a metal dildo in between, small warrior ornaments, magic coins and games… and the wonderful list goes on and on.
I was fascinated with the exhibition and felt the need to know more. So I sat down with Lupo in the salon area and asked him a few questions:
How long are you an artist already?
Lupo started his career as a cook. However the last 25 years has turned him into an artist, and quite a talented one with instillations, lamps and paintings. His specialty is lamps. He told me the story that inspired him to change his career path. Every night after work, he walked home and looked into flats from the outside. He noticed that most ceilings had only cables hanging down with a light bulb attached, making the flat look naked and cold. He found this to be boring and it inspired him to create something beautiful. What he now proudly calls his Einzelstücke.
What inspires you?
Walking around flea markets inspires Lupo. He marvels at how many hours it takes to create a piece of art. There are many beautiful objects at flea markets simply rotting and wasting away. He figured that one could reuse these items by combining them with newer objects to create a new harmonious beautiful piece of "Trash Art". Recycling at its best! It's sad how things are being thrown away and people consider them as trash. Lupo finds these beauties and gives them a “Second Life”. Sometimes it takes a few years to find a perfect match, but after investing the time, passion and patience, a perfect art piece is reborn!
What's important for you?
Lupo say that it’s very important that people find their way back to themselves. Life is not only about money and success. He tries to illustrate passion, peace of mind and heart with his lamps. He says, today many things are done fast, commercial and cost a lot of money. Lupo reuses the things made from long ago to show craftsmanship and uniqueness. Going back to the roots for him is a parallel link to one finding oneself again. He works with 12 volts low electricity and LED technics, which produces a nice light and saves energy.
You are also a musician?
Lupo has a music room with diverse instruments including guitars, bass and a piano. He also writes and creates his own music with a Theremin, which is a very fascinating and supernatural sounding instrument! The Theremin’s controls consist of two metal antennas that sense the position of the player’s hands. One hand controls frequency and the other the amplitude.
Who are your clients?
Most of his clients are designers, craftsmen, trade people and art lovers.
What is your advice to young artists?
If you want to really make art and be a true artist, then be like a pit bull and bite into your work! Don’t just say it, but rather go do it and make your dreams come true.
After the lovely conversation, Lupo gave me an in depth tour, where Ralf made some more photos of us. Many people were stopping by the Atelier and enjoying the artworks. There are currently so many unique and fascinating pieces at Luposworld, which words do not do it enough justice. My advice to you would be to go there and take a look for yourself. It’s definitely one exhibition visit that you will never forget!
28. April 2017
Galia Brener
Fotogalerie: Luposworld Exhibition
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VLOG Galia Brener

Galia Brener talks about love, relationships, life, events and lifestyle - in Frankfurt! You can personally contact Galia Brener with your questions and comments via Facebook or at